Carter is 4 months old. Three weeks ago purchased the Baby whisperer and put him on the EASY in 2 days he started sleeping until 6am which was great then I had to go to Vancouver visit family (4 hour drive) then all went bad. I guess b/c he wasn't sleeping in his crib I had problems so when I got back home I put him on EASY and its been REALLY hard. It's been two weeks now and he is still getting up every hour and naps he only sleeps for an hour. At 7pm I feed him, then give him a bath then put him to bed that's the easy part, at 11pm give him the dream feed again that goes well too. However it starts at 1am the 2:30 etc going on every hour waking up. I'm finding the patting on the back and the pacifier works better for me then p/u pd method to get him back to sleep but he wakes every hour. I do think he's teething and he spits up a lot every time I feed him (breastfed). I know he's gaining weight well though he weighs 16lbs, I'm at my wits end, please help I'm feeling like a failure b/c by 4am I'm exhausted and I bring him to bed and I know that's not the right thing to do. Any suggestions?/