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Offline story3girl

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #120 on: January 25, 2011, 13:42:45 pm »
My DD did a funny thing.  She hated tummy time, and could do 1-2 minutes without freaking out, which over a period of months we stretched to maybe 3-4 minutes.  I kept doing it a few times every day, and did it any way she would tolerate: on the Boppy, on my chest, on my shins with my legs in the air, plus always a little bit on a blanket or playmat on the floor.  Then, one day around 3.5 months, she just stayed on her tummy for a full ten minutes without even fussing.  No gradual increase, just all of a sudden a tummy time breakthrough.

So this is just to say, do what you can and keep offering, and LO will be ready at some point.

Offline ksmama

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #121 on: April 13, 2011, 19:06:57 pm »
Roughly how old are we talking about here!? I've been reading these posts, my LO is 17 weeks this Friday and he's not fond of TT but he's getting better cause I do it more often. Instead of whining today, he grunted in a I want to lift this body up kinda way. I play a game with him where I roll him over after his diaper change usually, to his belly, see how he feels about it that day and roll him back. I also used to hold his arms and pull him to sitting position, where he liked quite a bit then plop him back onto the bed or nursing pillow, but recently he locks his legs and body and prefers to have me pull his whole body to standing, which is getting tricky. When do they start crawling? Are those walker things a good idea? Jolly jumpers? Excersaucers? Any suggestions!?
Thanks ladies, all the above posts were very helpful!

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #122 on: April 13, 2011, 21:27:26 pm »
Tummy time and having him develop his upper body and neck strength the hard way is generally considered preferable to exersaucers. Jolly Jumpers can be fun once they have a certain amount of strength already. Neither of mine cared a fig for them, altho my nephew LOVED his! I'd stick without those things for at least a good 9 months, and only if you need temporary interesting containment.

Offline ksmama

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #123 on: April 14, 2011, 16:50:22 pm »
Thanks so much! THat really helps!
You've been a gem!

Offline story3girl

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #124 on: April 14, 2011, 19:48:19 pm »
LOL, I had to look  at the date on my last post to see how old she was when she stopped hating it.  It looks like right around 4 months?

Then right after I wrote that, like within a week, she turned over for the first time.  Then we had some trouble because every time we put her on her tummy she would just roll over.

Once she could roll over both ways ( a few more weeks), she didn't so much mind being on her tummy anymore and now (at 7 months) spends most of her play time on it voluntarily.

Offline ksmama

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #125 on: April 15, 2011, 20:23:37 pm »
Oh that's so sweet! And encouraging!! I keep pluggin away at puttin him on it. He's getting better and I roll him over so that he maybe will learn how soon too! So looking forward to all these new adventures! Thanks for the encouraging words! Have a great weekend!!!

Offline jay2yay

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #126 on: June 10, 2011, 20:30:26 pm »
Can I liven up this board again?? I'm just wondering what the 'right' thing to do is when my DS gets frustrated during tummy time. Once he starts really crying, I pick him up, but wasn't sure if I should put him right back down or something else?

Offline deb

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #127 on: June 10, 2011, 22:54:02 pm »
Depends on WHY he's crying. Is he tired? Is he hurting? Is he bored? If it's frustration only, you can put a toy a bit closer, or put a hand behind a foot so he can push off, or put your face in front of his so he has a happy thing to go toward. If he's just totally ticked off that he's not moving even though he's been at it for 20 minutes, might be time for a snuggle or a change of scenery. Josie didn't get nearly enough tummy time, but she did like being on her tummy on my tummy, and she also enjoyed when I did "bench presses" with her as the weight: she still was holding up her head and building some upper body strength, and she got to see my face come and go and thought it was great fun till she got OS. ::)

Offline jay2yay

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #128 on: June 11, 2011, 04:02:49 am »
20 minutes?! He barely lasts 5. I usually try to do it awhile after he eats. He just seems frustrated. He'll start really good and then his head will bounce on and off the ground and he'll start fussing. I let him fuss but then within seconds it turns into an all out cry. I try changing the scene or a toy as soon as he gets fussy but it doesn't seem to help. I'm also at his level. He did fairly well today when we were outside and lasted a good bit.

I'll have to try the hand thing as well as just laying with him more with him on my chest. He does like that when I do it.

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #129 on: June 11, 2011, 10:12:20 am »
If you've only just started doing tummy time with him, it's going to take him a while to sort out the coordination and strength involved in being on his tummy and he'll tire of it more quickly. But definitely give him as much as he can handle as often as you can and keep it interesting for him - the longer he's on his tummy, the more quickly he'll sort all that out. :)

Also, you may want to wait 15-20 minutes after a feed to put him on his tummy so his feed has time to work thru his system a bit first. That's a lot of exercise for a little one.  :-*

Offline jay2yay

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #130 on: June 11, 2011, 17:27:37 pm »
Thanks Deb :)

Offline Khalam's Mama

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #131 on: June 12, 2011, 08:13:37 am »
If his head bounces I'd say he is tiring so probably not strong enough to last longer. B only manages a few mins at a time. It is like us trying to run a marathon without training. Just do little and often so he doesn't get exhausted. B keep rolling off onto his back which is ruining tummy time somewhat. I have to block him in.

Offline JBmommy

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #132 on: October 23, 2011, 00:21:04 am »
My lo was the same way!  He HATED tummy time until he gained enough strength to lift his head and get up on his arms.  The good news is that it happened pretty naturally once he got a bit stronger.  I stressed out about it too but wish that I was more patient with him now.

I did give him tummy time every day to encourage it but often for only 30 seconds - 1 min at a time.  Two things worked for us: (1) Tummy time on my tummy so he could use his little neck muscles to look up at me and (2) Propping a towel or small pillow under his arms so he wasn't completely level with the ground.

In the end, I'm sure he would have found his way just longer!  Good luck.

Offline thaarm

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #133 on: October 29, 2012, 16:45:52 pm »
We started tummy time at 2 weeks old based on our pediatrician's recommendation.  Our baby hated it too, cried through it everytime.  I would let her go until she really cried.  Mostly at first she would just kind of fuss, but 5 min start really crying (i.e., face planted flat and crying).  That was when I would stop.  I would then turn on some music and pick her up and we would dance to a song or two.  She loved it!  We did it 2-3 times a day for about 5 min at a time.  Now she is almost 3 months and we do tummy time 4+ times a day for 15-20 min at a time.  I use the same gauge...once she starts really crying, we stop.  Sometimes she does all 15-20 min flat on the activity mat without fussing.  But later in the day, she fusses after 5 min.  So, for that round, I start with the first 5 min flat, next 5 min propped on a boppy (breastfeeding pillow), and the last 5 min on my chest, reclined in the chair.  Trust me, I was skeptical at first, but your baby will get better at it and actually start enjoying it eventually because its a different point of view than lying on their back all day.  They also enjoy being propped up in a sitting position either with you holding them, or propped with pillows (always supervised and when they are a little older, like 2+ months).  This also helps them work their neck muscles because they will hold their head steady while sitting up.  Because we started at 2 weeks, our baby at 2.5 months rolled over from tummy to back on her own and could hold her head at 90 degrees while on tummy.  She's now close to rolling from back to tummy at 3 months.  She can also hold her head upright when you pull her up by her arms when lying down.  You really must do it (unless medically unable) because it's important.  And the earlier they start, the more they will like it later (2+ months) when it becomes really important.

Offline clara_bel

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Re: Tummy Time
« Reply #134 on: December 18, 2012, 20:55:39 pm »
mine complained at first but started to like it when I positioned a mirror so that she could see herself, it was just a smallish one propped up on BF cushion, not near enough that she could reach it. Her head control developed pretty quickly when I started to automatically put her down on her tum every time instead of just doing TT once a day. As soon as she could hold head high she liked it, esp when people walked past. I think she started to last longer at about 3mo.