Author Topic: Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY  (Read 1711 times)

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Offline Ennypen

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« on: October 19, 2005, 12:14:39 pm »
Ive basically been playing my sons daily routine by ear and he has been feeding by demand, sleeping when he's tired etc. It has started to form some sort of pattern and has always followed the EASY model but Im not sure if what I am doing is for the best. If I post a typical day for you could I ask for comments about it and if you have any suggestions about how I can improve when he is doing - especially to help him begin to sleep through the night I would be really grateful.

For general info William is 3 months old and is now 17lb 10oz - he's not a fat baby though just very long for his age apparently! He was 7lb 4oz when he was born at 38 weeks. He's a really easy going baby and unless his gums are playing him up a bit which they are at the moment he's a very happy chap.

Here is the pattern most of our days are now following.

5.00 am - feed and change (about 8oz formula)
5.30-8am - back to sleep in crib in bedroom
8am - feed and change (about 8oz formula) also chat with mommy, cuddle time.
8.30am - 11am - nap back in crib in bedroom.
11am - feed and change,(about 5 or 6oz formula) then about 1hr-1hr 30 mins gentle activity - e.g. watching me do bottles, washing, tidying, all the time having a chat.
12.30-2.45 - nap in baby chair downstairs with me.
3pm- feed and change (about 8 oz formula)
3.30-5pm- playing with toys / going out to visit / tummy time / chatting
4.30-6.45 - nap in baby chair downstairs with me
6.45-7pm saying hello to daddy when he gets in from work
7pm feed and change  (about 8oz formula)
7.30-8.30 -gentle activities, bath and chat with mommy
8.30 - 10.30 - sleep in baby chair in with us (he doesnt settle well in his crib this early so I end up spending all my evening upstairs not seeing DH or having meal so I gave up and he sleeps downstairs in his chair)
10.30 - wake up, nappy change and feed (about 6oz formula)
11pm - bed in crib in bedroom
2.30am - feed (about 8 oz formula)
3.00am - back to sleep in the crib in bedroom

then back to the start!

Hope to hear from you all! All this is guesswork to me so will appreciate any opinions and advice.

Helen xx

Offline Ennypen

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2005, 11:19:28 am »
I dont mean to be impatient but I would like to know whether Im on the right lines or not....

Helen xxx

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2005, 11:54:58 am »

a couple of things jump out at me so i will share those questions / comments since you are asking for open feedback

:arrow: just wondering why you put him back to bed from 8:30 am when he has only been up for 1/2 hr (his other awake time is so much longer)

 :arrow:  the evening sleep in the chair from 8:30 - 10:30:
- my guess is the reason he does not settle well in his room is because you have got him used to sleeping near you during the day so he is sudenly like "where has everyone gone" if you don't want this to continue indefinitely i would start putting him down for his naps in his cot if you are at home.
- are you waking him for this feed at 10:30? or does he wake when you transfer him to his cot?

 :arrow: i notice his feeding intervals in the daytime are 3-4 hours so i do wonder why the intervals at night (feeds at 7pm /10:30 /2:30 /5am) aren't longer especially feeding after 2 1/2 hrs at 5am - have you tried resettling him from that one .  my understanding was that due to inactivity overnight,  babies will go at least as long as their normal daytime feeds so a baby that fed 3 hrly in the daytime shoudl go at least 3 hrs at night...  If he is not waking for that 10:30 feed if it were me i would try to do a dream feed at 11pm and see if he can carry through tonearer 3-4am for the night feed and then he would wake for the day sometime between 6-7:30am this would at least be better than getting up at 2:30/5/8 for feeds (unless you are happy with those timings)

i hope any of this is helpful to you - if you are happy with your current routine than i think that is fine, but since you asked for feedback i can only base it on what i woudl do with my kids (which is probably different than what others might choose to do ...)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Offline Ennypen

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2005, 13:06:00 pm »
Hiya Debra - thank you for your reply - your comments are just what I was hoping for. Being a first time mom and having no friends around here with babies its pretty hard to know that what I am doing is good for my little one and the right thing to do . Yes Im comfortable with what I have been doing - but dont want to bumble along being comfortable with something that might cause me problems / difficulties in the long scheme of things.

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just wondering why you put him back to bed from 8:30 am when he has only been up for 1/2 hr (his other awake time is so much longer)

This has happened as William basically falls asleep very soon after his bottle. Ive not been able to keep him awake any longer than having a quick change and chat after the bottle. He just yawns his head off and unless I put him down he falls asleep in my arms. I guess he sees it as an extension of the night time in some way - as I feed him in his nursery like I do in the night. Do you think I should take him downstairs so he knows its daytime and he should be awake longer?

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the evening sleep in the chair from 8:30 - 10:30:
- my guess is the reason he does not settle well in his room is because you have got him used to sleeping near you during the day so he is sudenly like "where has everyone gone" if you don't want this to continue indefinitely i would start putting him down for his naps in his cot if you are at home.
- are you waking him for this feed at 10:30? or does he wake when you transfer him to his cot?

Thats a very good point - didnt think of that. I will try hard to put him down in his cot during the day for his naps rather than allowing him to nap in his chair.

Regarding the feeds - I have tried to dream feed him on many occasions and nothing happens - Ive posted before about it. Ive persevered and he's only managed to take some milk once. The rest of the time I can wiggle the bottle etc and nothing happens.

I value your comment though as over the past few nights we have been feeding him at 11pm (he wakes himself for the feed normally) rather than any earlier and he has slept through past 3 oclock three or four times and a couple of times has woken up at 5am which has been great for my sleep!! I'm just hoping this continues. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to feed him in the night as Im now used to it and if he's genuinely hungry - which he seems to be, thats fine. I always give him a cuddle to try to settle him when he wakes me up in the night in order to see if its hunger thats woken him or anything else. On occasions he's gone back to sleep but mostly he demands food and is inconsolable until I feed him and his little tummy rumbles like mad when the milk goes in.

I know he's still only young at 3 months and I dont expect miracles but I would like to know that we're going along the right road and will get to our happy destination sometime rather than going along a road to problems which I have to fix later on.

Thanks again for your reply and consideration xxx


Offline Deb_in_oz

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 08:10:35 am »
Quote from: Ennypen
  Do you think I should take him downstairs so he knows its daytime and he should be awake longer?

I think if the reason he is so drowsy is because of the environment than i woudl definitely try to clearly define the start of the day.  with my older daughter we made a big deal about starting the day (idea is in Tracys first BW book) and we used to say good morning and then turn on the light (whereas night feeds are in the dark/dim light), then we used to sing her a special ditty "good morning, good morning, good morning TO YOU, good morning, good morning, good morning TO YOU, Alexandra Halle Dane" while rubbing / tickling her belly while saying her name.  i think we did this most her first year - she used to smile at us and giggle. anyway - it worked for us.  :lol:

although there is nothing wrong with an A time of 1/2 hour (olivia had an A time of 45 min max until 4 months old) it is the fact that he can handle an hour and a half later so i woudl try to increase morning A time gradually to 45 min and later to 1 hr

 how did it go today putting him to bed for naps in his cot?  since he is not really used to it don't be surprised if it takes him longer to settle or he does not nap as long as previously.  if he is used to the household noises you might make sure to run a radio or white noise machine in his room or leave his door open if he can then hear you...

if you had success with naps in cot, wondering how bedtime in cot went?  again this will be an adjustment.

If he is not receptive to Df i woudl just let him wake naturally and feed him according to his hunger - the DF is not for everyone - we stopped it for alex before 3 mo because even if she fed she still woke at 2-3am so i at least got more sleep by going to bed early  :D  It sounds like he is doing well overnight some of the time so he is probably on his way to maybe extending that 5 am feed to get to 6 or 7 eventually - i woudl just keep an eye on trying to feed at most 3 hourly over night (except in growth spurts which he might have been having if that 2:30 and 5am feed was recent - 3 mo is a notporious growth spurt and 6 mo is usually the next one)

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On occasions he's gone back to sleep but mostly he demands food and is inconsolable until I feed him and his little tummy rumbles like mad when the milk goes in.

don't worry or feel you have to justify this - i am a firm believer in feeding any baby that wakes looking for food / true hunger. i know that many decide when their baby will stop getting night feeds, but i personally figure it happens when they are ready and certainly it is normal in the first 6 mo to have 1 middle of the night waking after a DF even.

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I know he's still only young at 3 months and I dont expect miracles but I would like to know that we're going along the right road and will get to our happy destination sometime rather than going along a road to problems which I have to fix later on.

you are on the right road  :wink:
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 12:32:58 pm »
Hi Debra - youre a star - thank you for spending time thinking about what I am up to here with William.

So far so good is all I can say... I put William to bed at 8pm last night and he fell asleep really quickly. He then slept from 8pm until 1.10am last night, had his feed then slept through till 6.30.. so I think he had a pretty great night sleeping 2 stretches of 5 hours ish.

This morning he woke up bright and cheerful after his good sleep. Coincidentally I have been singing to him in the morning.. the Doris Day song.. "Good Morning, Good Morning, You slept the whole night through, Good Morning, Good Morning, to you!" It always makes him laugh - so coupled with making sure I opened the curtains and put on the lights he stayed awake for his A time for just over an hour.

He then went back into his crib when he started to yawn and fell asleep in about 5 mins and stayed fast asleep while I had my shower and breakfast - waking up just as his next feed was due 4 hours after the last. Weve since had his bottle and another hour and half A time playing with Peek a blocks and watching the birds in the garden and doing some tummy excercises, and he is now up in his crib - he settled nicely - I could hear him sucking his fists and grumbling a bit for about 10 minutes but hes only just waking up now and his feed is due anytime now.. again 4 hours after his other..

So - as I said so far so good - I hope it lasts. I know Ive got to persevere with using the crib for naps - I'm used to being able to see him and watch him sleep - but now Ive got to get used to hearing him on the monitor. Its as much about training me as it is him lol.

Right I can hear him talking to himself - best get the bottle ready to go as he's an impatient beastie when hungry. I'll check in tomorrow when he's been to bed tonight and let you know how the bedtime routine etc goes.

Thanks so much for the reassurance and tips - its very much appreciated.

Helen xxx

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 21:21:28 pm »
all i can say is you are doing fantastic and he sounds great too !!!

i will keep checking in if you need more help but it sounds like you have it under control  :D
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline Ennypen

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Inviting comments and suggestions about my DS's EASY
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2005, 12:11:51 pm »
You'll never guess.....

I fed William at 8pm last night and had a little wind down session in his nursery until about 8.45. By 9pm he was snoring away in his crib and stayed that way until 4am!! Thats cool eh... I of course was awake at 1ish wondering if he was going to wake up so I didnt get the full benefit of a good nights sleep!

He's spending the day with Daddy today as Im taking my MIL to the airport so all my good work of yesterday will doubtless not be repeated as theres a football match on tv so I cant see him being taken to his cribs for naps etc lol. Ah well back to it tomorrow.

Helen xxx