My boy is 7 mths also and his first tooth is coming through now - he seems ok with it - to make matters worse he's also caught our cold and sore throat - poor thing. he also mostly refuses his bottle, but I don't think its due to teething - as he still accepts his dummy, I changed teats to a faster flow (6 mth plus range) and he seems ok now.
I have also figured that maybe he's getting too full up on food to have any room for milk ? Incase your worried, speak to you health visitor or doctor, and up his calcium and iron rich foods. (e.g cereals fortified with iron like weetabix and fromage frai for kids like petit flouis and munch bunch - if available where you are from).
Has pain releif i'm giving mine Medised - it works wonders, more affective than calpol. An I tend to give in to him and give him his favorite foods (which happens to be anything readymade in a jar !)