My ds is 5 mos. old. We're finally trying to get away from the accidental parenting of rocking our lol to sleep. Mostly because it just stopped working. I think he's getting too big.
Rarely does he ever have longer than a 45 minute morning nap. I've tried unsucessfully many a time to extend his nap but it doesn't work. Sometimes he wakes up happy other times not. What I do know is that its still not enough sleep as he'll be tired an hour later. Then sometimes he'll have a longer afternoon nap on his own.
Some people have suggested its just his nature and to just get him up. My concern is that its not enough sleep given he's tired and cranky an hour later. I just tried extending his morning nap but this time no rocking. In fact I left him in crib and just rubbed his back. As this is new to him he cried quite hard for about 30 minutes then finally fell asleep. He's just waking again now.
My question is, should I just accept a short nap in morning knowing he might nap longer in afternoon or keep trying to extend morning nap so they're both longer than 45 minutes?
He tends to get overtired an overstimulated very easily.