Author Topic: Need nap advice for 7 month old  (Read 1385 times)

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Need nap advice for 7 month old
« on: October 20, 2005, 00:34:02 am »
DS seemed to be doing really well w/sleeping and napping but now has an ear infection and he refuses to be put down to bed unless he's totally asleep so I have a feeling were going  back to have full sleep issues soon. Anyway, we've always had some issues with him going to sleep on his own and not being rocked till he's really almost asleep. My sister watches him 3 days a week and puts him in his pnp and he usually fusses alittle and goes to sleep. Well I've tried that at home and he only either cries from the get go or will lay in his crib and play for 15 minutes and then start fussing and then it turns into full on crying and I need to go back in and rock him. His wake up times vary from 530am-7am so even though I try to keep the nap times to around 9am and 1pm its hard because if he gets up at 6am he's overtired by 9am. Most of the time when he's home he only naps for 30 minutes and then wakes crying and I can't get him back to sleep.  Any advice or suggestion to help him and me?? Am I doing something wrong?? I've tried pu/pd and he just gets more upset and cries more, and it just cries through pat/sush

Offline Meg's Mom

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Need nap advice for 7 month old
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2005, 15:19:39 pm »
How does he fall asleep?  Does he fall asleep independently?  At this age that would be key to staying asleep and being able to sleep past the first sleep cycle.

I would recommend you:
-start putting him to bed drowsey but awake - let him settle, when he starts to cry that "come get me now!" cry, go in and use pu/pu (shh/pat) to help learn to put herself to sleep the rest of the way.
-read Tracy's new book and start w/ the chapter on teaching sleep
-download Tracy's sleep interview
-read the stickys about teaching sleep for 6+mos (the last 2 are on the top of this forum).

Quote (selected)
I've tried pu/pd and he just gets more upset and cries more, and it just cries through pat/sush

He is going to cry if you are changing the rules, it's like he is saying "hey, you always rock me to sleep!  I don't know how to fall asleep w/o it".  He will need to taught the new way and some crying is going to be expected.

Hope that helps.

Offline jennc123

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Need nap advice for 7 month old
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2005, 16:43:57 pm »
my 7 month old is having napping issues as well now, everything was going just great up untill a week ago, now she will only nap for 20-45 minutes!  its horrible and i just end up leaving her in her crib for quiet time till the nap is officially over.  I usually can just out her in her crib, darken the room, turn onher lullabye and leave and now its a totally different story, different from your problem, just wonder if at 7 months they are doing so many new things developementally they can't sleep.  sorry to hijack your thread but its driving me crazy as well :(
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Offline Meg's Mom

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Need nap advice for 7 month old
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2005, 17:21:49 pm »
Yes - Jen your problem is different but for both of you, a part of the issue could be developmental - going to sit, stand, crawl, solids, etc, etc.  They all effect sleep and you don't what it is until it is over.

Jen I would also look at your A time, it maybe time to increase it.  She may not be tired enough to sleep yet and is happy to sit and play.  For us at this age, 2.25-2.5 was the magic no.

Hope that helps.

Offline jennc123

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Need nap advice for 7 month old
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 17:30:22 pm »
i was thinking about that today, i will try that, thank you!  again sorry to take over the thread, i am feeling alittle desperate today :(  :)
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Offline Meg's Mom

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Need nap advice for 7 month old
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 17:40:42 pm »
If you need more support, feel free to post a new thread and if really, really needed - PM me  :wink:

Hang in there!  This too will pass, i promise!