Hi everyone, hoping someone can help. DD is 6 months and has for the past two days not had her afternoon nap and it looks like we are setting up for a third. She is quite happy to lie in her cot and talk to herself but she won't have her nap.
She quite often only has 45 min naps (I have given up trying to extend as it was sending us all mad & she sleeps so well at night) and for the last two days only had her short morning nap, up at about 9.30 then didn't sleep again until 5pm :shock:
By this time she is soooo cranky.
I have been putting her down at the normal tired cues, she looks like she will go to sleep and then just doesn't......
Only thing that has changed is it's our first week of solids, could that be doing it? I've put my schedule below, maybe time to extend A time? Also I know Tracey talks about adjusting things for prem babies, does the same go the other way? DD was a full two weeks late, maybe I am not giving her enough awake time? Please any ideas would be great.
6.30 wake and breastfeed
8.30 morning nap
9.30 rice cereal (hardly a teaspoon at this stage)
10.30 breastfeed
Anywhere between 12 and 1pm afternoon nap (used to anyway!)
1pm to 2pm wakes up and plays
2.30 breastfeed
4.30 catnap
5.30 bath
6pm final breastfeed and bed by 6.30/7pm
No dreamfeed, at 41/2 months I was too tired one night and just went to bed really early prepared to do a night feed if necessary but she didn't wake and hasn't since so I stopped it.