Thanks for the advice, i have just started darkening the room more (since i don't sit in it with him any longer!!!)and that seems to make a difference, also hv suggestedput something to look at in cot so if wakes wont be bord and may go back to sleep (put a hourse at top of cot that he can look at if gets bord but not directly in line of site if only opens his eyes briefly).
also managed to extend activity time yesterday, without him getting over tired! and he took a 1.5 hr nap am (45 mins last 2 naps). Isuppose its possible he needs more sleep in morning, as this is his best nap time!
Anyway were continuing to try and improve nap length, but the big difference is im not getting as stressed if some days he does 45 mins and then i simply cant get him back to sleep. hv sais that often babies that need less sleep will do 1 day 45 min naps and then longer naps thje next day then back to 45 min naps the day after and that if hes really awake and happy when i go in not to worry that hes not had as long nap as usual, because it prob means he slept more soundly at night (i have noticed if he has a restless night he has better naps, and if hes had good naps he has more restless sleep :roll:
Thanks for the advice anyway, hopefully hell fall into a pattern soon and i cvan stop spending all day on comp asking for advice!!!!! :wink: