Author Topic: Help first day on EASY  (Read 1167 times)

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Offline emmanewman

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Help first day on EASY
« on: October 22, 2005, 11:37:53 am »

Ok so as I have said it is our first day on easy.  started badly. my 8.5wk old wouldn't wake at 7 as he had only just gone back to sleep (@ 6.20)after his night feed.  so our day started at 8.00.  Then had feed but coz he was so tired I put him back for his morning nap @ 8.30.  he took 45 mins to fall asleep then slept till 10.00am.  Now everything was going fine, fed for 31 mins and played till 11.15 but I think we missed his cue, I was looking for a yawn but think it started with him fussing bout 10 mins prior to yawn.  Now my husband is settling him to sleep coz we have been accidental parenting hm with breast feeding him to sleep, but he has been on and off sleep for 1.25hours.  He settles but can't get to stage three sleep.  my poor husband is doing all the settling coz I feel it is cruel for me to do it knowing that I am witholding the breast from him.
I know this sounds like I am expecting too much too soon but with only 30mins left of nap time I am afraid Robert (my baby) will be miserabl for the rest of the day.  He is what the book classes as Textbook, so what are we doing wrong.  Please help.

Thanks for your suggestions.


Offline MCGoldsmith

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Help first day on EASY
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2005, 12:05:33 pm »
Emma, you guys are doing great for first day. (and little Robert is, too.) Okay-- I'm not sure what goes on in your household.. but for my little one I just had to go ahead and make my set first feeding earlier than I had wanted to in the a.m. Just think long term- certainly not all babies, but most are early risers. I tried in the begg. of E.A.S.Y to start my lo's day later but he insisted it be earlier. lol and when I gave in things got a lot smoother.  It's wonderful your husband is helping.. and since you are his food source and have been his dependancy on falling asleep it is probably best that he is going in and soothing for right now. Don't give up! When you say that you are worried you will mess up his whole day- don't worry about that. Think one nap at a time. There is a q & a w/Tracey that would be worth reading. I am new here also so I'm not sure how to direct you to it but I could e-mail it to you if you want. It talks about in the begg. , missing naps- and what to do if a missed nap runs in to next feeding time. I will look for your email address. Hang in there! It will get better I promise.

Offline emmanewman

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Help first day on EASY
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2005, 12:54:59 pm »
I have got a print out of Tracys interview is that the resource you mean?  I fed him at 1 as he is on 3 hr EASY and he started to fall asleep so I changed his nappy, waited for yawn and now my Husband is putting him down.  this is such hard work, I knew it would be hard but it's so upsetting hearing him get so angry and overtired.I have to sit with my hands over my ears to block out the crying otherwise I cry.  Like I am now!!  This feels like I'm torturing my little boy.

Offline MCGoldsmith

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Help first day on EASY
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2005, 17:14:42 pm »

I know how hard this is... Believe me that your doing the best thing for your Robert. Think long term..  in toddler yrs trying to change habits. Things now will probably get a lot worse before they get better.

The resource I was talking about-
Under forum go to category sleep. Scroll down to pu/pd. It's the announcement w/a download titled Special sleep interview.

I'll check back w/u soon.