About a month ago we went to the ILs for a week. We tried to keep to our routine as much as possible, but naps were horrible, if at all, and of course that led to night waking problems and eating issues.
Prior to the trip (about two weeks or so) we had just dropped the catnap, and were down to two 1hr, 45min naps per day. Since returning we have been able to address the night waking issues, and she is back to sleeping through the night. She still wakes occasionally (once every 4-5 nights), but we don't have to go in and resettle her. However, I cannot seem to break the 45min nap cycle.
She wakes after 45min, but for the most part she is calm. I have always taken it that if she wakes up happy, she has had enough sleep. However, now that we are down to two naps, 45min of sleep is not enough to get her to the 2nd nap/bedtime, and I am left with a perpetually cranky baby.
She has never fallen asleep with us in the room, so if I go in and try to help resettle her, she just thinks it is time to get up. I tried the nap version of wake-to-sleep for several days, but it is all over once she opens her eyes and sees me. I have also tried stirring her at the 30-35min mark and sneaking back out. That worked for 2-3 days, but only for the morning nap. Since she's not upset, PU/PD doesn't really seem appropriate.
For the last few days, I have just left her to play quietly in the crib for what should have been the rest of her naptime, hoping she'll fall asleep, but with no luck.
The lack of sleep is affecting her eating, which is a problem as we found out at her 9mos checkup last week that she has not gained or grown in height since her 6mos checkup. At 9mos and only 15lbs, she is about to fall off the weight charts.
What else can I try? I can't make her sleep, but it is obvious that 1.5 hours of daytime sleep is not enough. Help.