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Offline Nina's Mommy

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Please Help With Schedule
« on: October 24, 2005, 11:29:11 am »
Hi there! I read the BW books about a month ago and was thrilled to find this message board as well!

I have a wonderful little girl, Nina, who is 12 1/2 weeks. Based on the quiz in Tracey's first book, I'd classify her as mostly Angel/Textbook, although she does get grumpy when she is tired sometimes and just wants to be left alone to sleep (she falls asleep well on own with minimal help).

Here is our rough schedule. Can you look at and offer any advice or insights? Things are going really well - just want to make sure there is nothing we should adjust while Nina is still young and not as set in her habits.

Also, I'm a bit confused about sleep signs. Nina is on a 4-hour schedule (our baby nurse started her that way and it's worked well for us, although she gets hungry after about 3 hours for her dinner bottle so we feed her early for that one). After about 1-1.25 hours of being awake she starts to yawn. Do I then immediately wind down and get her into crib or stroller for nap? Or should I just switch to a lower key activity until more sleep signs come out (like moving head to side, rubbing eyes, etc)? I find that if I put her down for nap too soon she does the 45-minute thing and wakes too early cranky but if I wait too long she has a hard time nodding off.

Anyway, here is our schedule on a good day:

Wake: 7:30
E: 7:45 (about 6-6.5 ounces at each bottle)
A: Until 9
S: 9:15-11:45

E: 11:45
A: Until 1
S: 1:15-3:45

E: 3:45
A: Until 5
S: Try to Catnap from 5:15-6:30 but usually only gets 30-45 minutes in
A: Modified A time to hold over for dinner - wash hair, sing songs, look at mobile - anything to distract if she can't sleep. She gets really cranky and over tired here - what can we do to ease this and make the catnap longer?

E: 6:45 or 7
A: Quiet Activity Time with Dad, talk, maybe read
S: Bedtime at about 7:45

Of course her wake time varies between 7-8 so the rest of the day often adjusts forward or back...

Because of her reflux we don't cluster feed. And the DF backfired on us, making her wake more often, so after she goes to bed we just let her goes until she wakes us - which is usually between 2-3:30, although last night she went until 4:15!

Sorry this is so long. But thanks!
Mom to Nina, born 7-28-05
Angel/Textbook Baby With Reflux

Offline Isom'smom

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Please Help With Schedule
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 11:48:43 am »
Bravo!  You have a great set up.  If I were to make a suggestion, it would be to let her sleep as long as she wants for her naps.  She's eating well and putting on weight, why wake her up if she's pooped?  Also, that may help with the last nap (I saw the other post).  That way she won't be exhausted for it.


Offline Nina's Mommy

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Please Help With Schedule
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 12:24:32 pm »
Thanks Crystal - I will try that. But how much longer should I let her sleep? I know Tracey recommends not letting them sleep through cycles so they don't confuse days and nights...
Mom to Nina, born 7-28-05
Angel/Textbook Baby With Reflux

Offline Nina's Mommy

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Please Help With Schedule
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2005, 13:19:48 pm »
Also - she had a rough morning with her reflux and wouldn't eat much (only 3.5 ounces instead of 6 plus) and wasn't feeling well so I was giving her extra cuddles and we were swaying and talking and singing when she fell asleep with me holding her! I had meant to just get her relaxed and sleepy since she wasn't feeling well and then put her in crib but she fell asleep first. I laid her down on her side (she's a side sleeper) in crib and she stayed asleep.

Is this bad and will it cause problems with her independent sleeping? That is the first time in weeks she has fallen asleep on me, other than sometimes for her catnap when she is in sling (maybe once a week). In general she falls asleep on own in crib and stroller with minimal help. Should I just consider this a one-off thing and not worry about it?
Mom to Nina, born 7-28-05
Angel/Textbook Baby With Reflux

Offline mommynow

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Please Help With Schedule
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 17:28:01 pm »
I don't think it will hurt if it was only a one time thing. 

It looks like you have a great schedule going.  My daughter was also cranky in the evenings and fought catnapping.  It seemed to get better as she got older.
Abigail born May 26, 2005