Author Topic: Signs of Tiredness in a Five-Month-Old  (Read 1141 times)

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Signs of Tiredness in a Five-Month-Old
« on: October 24, 2005, 19:50:43 pm »
I wondered if some of you could help me with your experience. We've been using the Baby Whisperer techniques with our little boy since he was about two months old. He's now almost five months. We've found it to be incredibly helpful. It so wonderful knowing what to expect, having a routine, and having some time to myself as well.

Well, I found it very easy to follow his signs as a baby; however, for the past few weeks it's been getting more difficult. He used to always yawn and rub his eyes when he was tired; however, lately he rarely yawns and fusses over everything it seems. He fusses for a new toy, to be picked up, if left alone, etc. I'm finding it difficult to know if/when he's actually tired. I'm mostly just going by the clock for naps; however, I know that he's able to stay up longer than he used to. I usually put him down after 1 1/2-2 hours of awake time. This afternoon I put him down because he was a little fussy 1 1/2 hours after his first nap; he wiggled and played in his crib for 30 minutes before going to sleep.

I guess I'm wondering if I should put him down so early, or if I should wait for signs; and if so, what are they now that he's older? I know he's probably getting close to dropping a nap (he usually cat naps in the early a.m. (this nap has been getting mixed with the next nap lately), has an 1 1/2 hour nap in the late a.m., another 1 1/2-2 hour nap in the early afternoon and a short cat nap in the evening (if he's fussy). He always goes to bed at 7:30 and wakes at 6:30-7 each morning.

My little guy is definetely a spirited baby and if we miss a cue we've lost all hope for the nap-he gets overtired in a matter of seconds it seems. I'm just wondering if anyone can help with the signs that your baby is showing you of tiredness? Maybe I'm just missing it.

Thanks :)

Diego's Mama

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Signs of Tiredness in a Five-Month-Old
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 23:03:39 pm »
It sounds like you're ready to consolidate naps.  If he's fighting going down at his regular time, try stretching him out for an extra thirty minutes.  If you think he can't handle the transition all at once, try breaking it up into ten or fifteen minute intervals and do it gradually over the course of a week.

As for tired signs, I often kept an eye on the clock at that age too.  My son would get fussy when tired, but only yawned if really, really tired.  They're all so different and change so much over time.
