Lorraine sorry you are still having trouble, unfortunately for some babies it just seems to take an age for them to sleep through.
2 things the dummy use could well be a problem, does he spit it out early in his sleep (ie first few minutes) or does it stay in... if the latter, it is a prop & a problem
Second by the looks of it he is only on 2 BF + one expressed bottle a day... From all my information at his age he should be on 4-5 (one of those between 7pm & 7am - say as a dream feed). If you don't want to express more milk (or can't) can I suggest offering formula (11am) instead. The fact he is willingly drinking water at night & litteraly wakes for it says to me he is thirsty. 12 hours is too long for many babies to go without drinking esp when they are on as much solid as you are giving Freddie, he is filling up on calories, but looks to be very down on liquid intake... he shouldbe getting about 700-1000mls of liquid a day & as a baby he willbe very good at self regulating his food, so will wake for drinking if needed.