Hi there, I'm a first time mum with a six and a half month year old baby boy called Connor. We have not had many unbroken nights sleep, maybe 3 or 4. We have just recently taken away his dummy (2 weeks ago - reason being that I had become a dummy slave!!!) and to start with we were just trying to pat him and sshh him back to sleep. However, baby and me got a stomach bug so I started rocking him. Other factors, such as my partner and I not being able to leave him to cry without picking him up sometimes and we also think he is still hungry sometimes therefore we give him a bottle, mean that we don't have a consistent approach to settling him when he wakes in middle of night. He settles beautifully at 7 as we have a great routine. Then he can either wake a couple of times and be succesfully settled quickly or like last night he slept from 7 till 4 then was crying of and on for over an hour before I gave him a bottle which he finished before settling a wee while after this. We also think he might be teething sometimes but he never really cries during the day much. His worst time is between 3 and 5 and the length of time he is taking to settle is getting longer!! Can anyone give me some advice please??? Thanks.