Author Topic: A few issues - please help me  (Read 1149 times)

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Offline proudmum

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A few issues - please help me
« on: October 27, 2005, 04:32:12 am »
I'm having a few troubles with my lo and would appreciate some advice.  First thing is the 45 min naps, I've been doing the wake to sleep method for a couple of weeks now and haven't seen much improvement - is this normal?  Or do you think I'm doing something wrong. (I follow the example in Tracy's sleep interview)  I normally do manage to get him back to sleep, but it always takes at least 20 min. 

Also he uses a dummy and I think it has now become a prop.  I try to withhold it when he wakes, but then he gets upset and cries and wakes himself up even more.  I give it to him and it soothes him straight away.  I;m just worried that I'm causing more trouble for myself. but I don't know if I should be trying to 'wean' him off it, or use it less.  Any suggestions on how to do this? 

He is pretty much sleeping through the night, he has a DF at around 10:30 and wakes at about 5:30 - 6:30am.  Bedtime is a bit of an issue.  I put him down for a nap at around 5pm, but this for him turns into a sleep and he never wakes up after 45 min (typical isn't it, when you want them to nap they don't and vice versa :lol: ) what I try and do is wake him after an hour, sometimes less, sometimes more.  Then we have bath, dinner and bed time.  but Ihaven't managed to find a time / routine that really works yet.  When he;s woken, he's often upset, and cries through his bath - which isn't much fun for anyone. 

(sorry this is so long!)  last night he went to sleep at 5pm which I thought would just be a cat nap.  we woke him at about 6:30, had bath and a feed and then back to bed.  He screamed throughout the bath and getting dressed and then was wide awake after his feed.  DH did DF at about 10:30, but DS woke up 3 times during the night and I had to spend at least 15 min resettling him each time.  Do you think this was because he slept too long before bedtime? 

Apologies again for the length of this!  Hopefully you have some thoughts / advice / idea's for me. 

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Diego's Mama

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A few issues - please help me
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 17:01:35 pm »
At eight weeks, everyone is still finding their way.

PU/PD is too stimulating for a baby this young.  Try pat/shhh in the crib/craddle instead.

Are you swaddling?

Pacifier is likely becoming an issue.  He's probably waking and looking for it.  Do you pull it out immediately after he falls asleep?

Try bathing in the morning.  After a long day it may be too much stimulation for a little guy.  Tiredness is often mistaken for overstimulation in infants.

Do you have Tracy's newest book?  If not, I HIGHLY recommend getting your hands on a copy.  It's very much a how-to guide and is her best book of all.  You'll find lots of your questions answered there.


Offline proudmum

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sleeping issues
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 00:34:27 am »
Hi Laura,

I do the pat/sshh, which I have done since early on.  I do swaddle him, which he likes, he wakes up if it comes undone.  And yes I use a dummy, which I'd like him not to be so dependent on.  i will try to take it out once h's asleep, but often when he spits it out he'll wake a little while later crying for it!  By the way, he's actually 12 weeks old. 

I may try the morning bath and see if he prefers that, it's just that it's his special time with his Daddy!  Someone suggested to me he may want and earlier bedtime so I'm going to try that tonight.  I'll keep you posted, thanks for you help
<img src="" alt="Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0"  /> Spirited Angel

Diego's Mama

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A few issues - please help me
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2005, 17:49:57 pm »
I'm going to put my money on him being addicted to the pacifier and he's waking for it.

Head on over to the props board if you want to look into it further.
