Hi everyone,
I'm sure someone out there will be able to help me. I'm having a h*** of a day and normally I'm able to just take things in mu stride, and go about my day, but today is another story.
DD has been sown with a cold for about 10 days now, and it has thrown her whole routine out the window. We never really conquered the 45 minute monster (believe me, I tried), but every once in a while, I would get an afternoon nap from her, which was an hour long. Now, she wakes up between 6:30-7 and is ready for her first nap around 9, which earlier used to be 10. And her second nap consequently is 12:30-1, which means she still needs another one, which we had phased out a couple of months ago, which in turn throws out her night time sleep, and we're caught in this vicious cycle. Last night she finally fell asleep at 8:45 (her bedtime is 7:15-7:30) and to make up for the lack of sleep, took her first nap at 8:30. What do I do (apart from pulling my hair out???). She also seems to not get enough solids, since she's been wanting milk more frequently.
If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly apprecaite it. She is 10 months old.