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Offline cwolff

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Two Questions
« on: October 28, 2005, 20:18:02 pm »
First, after first starting solids, when do babies finally "get it"?  I started cereal on Monday, and so far she doesn't exactly seem to get it.  Also, I'm having trouble finding the right times to do it because she doesn't even eat her full bottle sometimes, so she's never hungry for solids.  Can I still give her the rice cereal for practice?  I'm not doing it so she'll sleep longer or anything like that, just felt it was time to see how she did.  She's not fussing about the cereal, and will take a few bites if I let her grab the spoon and shove it somewhere in the vicinty of her mouth.  Her tongue reflex is gone, and she doesn't gag either.  I just feel a little discouraged.  Not sure if I should give it a week because she's not opening her mouth wide like an eager beaver, or if I should just keep at it each day trying till she gets it.

Second, anyone read the Super Baby Food book?  I have it and it's very interesting.  I'd love to talk to some of you that are actually using it and making food etc.

Offline 949nikkirn

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Two Questions
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2005, 22:30:24 pm »
First, it does take awhile to get them to figure it all out. It took ds a couple tries a week for a few weeks.  Just be patient and hang in there. I know how you feel. I was so antsy too.  Once your LO gets it then you will be impatient on trying new things. It will feel like it takes FOREVER.

Second, I got the Super Foods for Babies and Children book last week. Is that the same one?  Super cute, huh?  I haven't actually tried anything, but I might.  Ds now eats at least 4 #2 jars a day plus cereal and I find that we go through it so FAST in a week.  I have started to just throw whatever we ate the night before in the food processor and give that. I am not consistent on this, but I will when I start cooking more for dh and I.

Good luck,
Trace 2-23-05

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Two Questions
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 23:04:42 pm »
since she is only 5 1/2 mo old and not really looking for it i would think of it truly as familiarization rather than feeding.  let her play with a spoon and smile a lot when offering it, etc so she thinks of it as a positive fun thing.  when she is ready to take more she and you will both be more relaxed about it. right now you are teaching her that when she gets a spoon from you it will have food, she needs to open her mouth, eat, etc I showed dd by smacking my lips together and saying yummy etc   :oops:

Nikki - if you are processing foods you cook for you and Dh just be aware that you should make sure you are only adding salt to your food after cooking and not during if you want to share it.  also use low sodium stock if you cook with stock cubes / broth....  salt and sugar are 2 things babies do not need added to their food.  spices/herbs are ok but salt is something to be careful about.  you might already be doing this but i know it was something we had to get used to - we would cook pasta sauce and take some aside for dd1 and then finish it off for us by adding salt and any strong seasoning like chilli
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Offline tylersmommy

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Two Questions
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 02:00:01 am »
It took WEEKS before Tyler started opening his mouth like an eager little bird, and we didn't intro solids until 6 mo. I was soooo worried that he was never going to get it, but eventually he did. Like Debra said, solids are for practice for the next few months, so just relax and have fun with it!

I used Super Baby Food from day 1 and made everything Tyler ate except yogurt and the super porridge. I still use the book to this day, and Tyler's 22 mo. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions! :D
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline cwolff

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Two Questions
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2005, 02:22:18 am »
That makes me feel loads better.  Actually tonight she ate about 1 Tbs. and opened her mouth pretty good.  She did try to grab the spoon, but not as much.  Of course she spit up about 1/2 later, so I'm wondering if her digestive system needs to get used to it more.

And I would love to talk about the Super Baby food book.  I am going to start making the super porridge in a couple of weeks.  What kinds of things did you make?  I'm not much of a cook but I know I can make some of the basic foods.  Plus adding the nutritious supplements like brewer's yeast and flaxseed.  I know about them and intend to use them when she is older.  How come you didn't do super porridge?  That seems like the easiest thing for me to try to make for now.  But I still have a couple of weeks to wait, because it says you have to wait till they are at least six full months before doing whole grains.