Author Topic: Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?  (Read 1981 times)

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Offline jsmith328

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« on: October 28, 2005, 23:32:53 pm »
My DS has never slept much. I know some babies don't need to sleep much but most times he seems like he needs more sleep after his short nap. I have tried wake to sleep for one of his naps for about a week. I would do all three but that was making me feel like I had no life and I was going crazy. Since I started wake to sleep he doesn't sleep even the 45 minutes anymore. He wakes at about 30-35. I'm just wondering if babies eventuallt learned to sleep better during the day or if I need to help him along. I'm so frustrated that I feel like I need a break but don't want to take one if I will start to see some imporvement which I haven't. He is 2 1/2 months old and I'm getting exhuasted. What should I do?

Diego's Mama

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 16:20:18 pm »
Do you swaddle?

Use white noise?

Have his room darkened?

Have you tried pat/shhh to get him back to sleep?

Does he use a pacifier?

Offline jsmith328

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 21:28:56 pm »
Yes, I swaddle
Yes, I use a fan for white noise
Yes, I have his room as dark as possible
Yes, he uses a paci

Diego's Mama

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 23:43:24 pm »
If he uses a pacifier for every sleep you may want to consider that he's addicted to it and is waking for it.  Head on over to the props board for info and help/s.uggestions.

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2005, 13:23:05 pm »

I just wanted to say I could have written your post!

I'm having the same problems with my DD.  I don't know the answer to it but just wanted to say its reassuring to read that someone else is going through it too!!

I think probably by the time we've cracked it they'll be ready to drop the long naps!!
Louise -  Mom to Mia Alison born 19.08.05 
Our beautiful english rose and textbook/spirited baby.
New Mom to lovely Scarlett Grace - textbook/touchy

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2005, 21:00:03 pm »
I also want to refer you both to this announcement - teaching sleep to newborns.

JSmith - also see my long reply in Mias mom's post:

Hang in there, it does get better.

Offline tracefo

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2005, 16:20:32 pm »
I'm with you on this one jsmith.  I was having the same problems, still am, and I talked to matthew's mom and she said it was developmental.  My daughter is now 15 weeks so I thought I would try again with the wake to sleep.  I started with the late afternoon nap and was pretty successful so I thought I should go full guns with all three naps.  It was one of our worst days.  The morning nap she never got back into a deep sleep, then the other naps just got shorter and shorter by the evening she was miserable.  I can deal with cranky but when the only thing that will console her is the boob it's just too much.  I had to take a break from her when my husband came home I was soooooo frustrated and soooo was she!  I'm beginning to think it's not worth the agravation especially if she's going to grow out of it.  I've decided I'll just put the soother back in her mouth for first few naps and if it doesn't work up she'll get.  I'm still debating on the late afternoon one....  What have you decided to do, I'm feeling guilty about giving up but I don't know if it's worth it.

Diego's Mama

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2005, 18:44:56 pm »
I wonder also, if expectations are a bit high?  I worked with my youngest for a good ten weeks, at every nap, many times right into the next feed cycle.  It doesn't come quickly or easily... not just a few naps.  You are literally teaching your baby how to sleep in a whole new way.

Hang in there and be consistent.  It will come.


Offline jsmith328

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2005, 21:19:18 pm »
I don't know what I have decided to do. 10 weeks is a long time to work on every nap like that especially if he will grow out of it. I feel like I don't have the patience for that. I may need to slowly work on eve4ry nap. Work on one a day for a week then 2 a day and so on. He does wakes up after his morning 45 minute nap and is usually fairly content in his swing until feeding time without hid oaci. He doesn't fall alseep in the swing he just kinda hangs out. I think I will work on the afternoon nap as well. That is usually when he is tired anyway.

keep in contact and PM me if your lo does slowly grow out of it or if you have4 decided to teach your lo to sleep

Offline luckymom

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2005, 21:38:04 pm »

Lastweek I decided to dedicate myself to working on getting my LO (15 wks) out of the 25-30 minute nap problem.  I was about to pull my hair out and decided to give it a week.  I am now on day 5, it has been quite a bit of work, and I have really only focused on 2 of his naps a day, since the third may take place while I am at the grocery, exercise class, etc.  It really has worked.  Using PU/PD (which may be too much for yours at 2.5 mos.) and going into the room at 20 minutes and staying through the 30 minute mark to see the jolts and calm the ones that need calming right away.  Each time, its gets easier to console and takes less time.  Though it took time, I've gained time since he sleeps and I am not in their fighting a crying baby for 2+ hours at each naptime. It was definitely worth it.

Hang in there...each day gets a little better.  :wink:

Offline tracefo

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Will they break the 45 minute habit when they get older?
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2005, 22:15:21 pm »
Today all I committed to was putting the soother back in and that seemed to work really well.  Maybe I'm making her dependent on it but at least she's getting some more sleep, maybe not deep sleep, but...  Anyway, I think I'm going to play it day by day.  I'd really rather enjoy my baby than have a day like we had yesterday.  We were all miserable by the end of it! :(