Lastweek I decided to dedicate myself to working on getting my LO (15 wks) out of the 25-30 minute nap problem. I was about to pull my hair out and decided to give it a week. I am now on day 5, it has been quite a bit of work, and I have really only focused on 2 of his naps a day, since the third may take place while I am at the grocery, exercise class, etc. It really has worked. Using PU/PD (which may be too much for yours at 2.5 mos.) and going into the room at 20 minutes and staying through the 30 minute mark to see the jolts and calm the ones that need calming right away. Each time, its gets easier to console and takes less time. Though it took time, I've gained time since he sleeps and I am not in their fighting a crying baby for 2+ hours at each naptime. It was definitely worth it.
Hang in there...each day gets a little better. :wink: