dd is 13 months and has been on e.a.s.y for a few months now and was going well. not sleeping through night though because she was still using me as a prop.
her sleeping was getting worse because of this so i decided that i'd better start, now or never.
i wait until she is sleepy. then leave for one minute.. come back lay her back down then leave again. first time it took 1 hour. the next night she got herself so worked up i gave in (bad i know) and went back to the old method.
but then i am in the room so long with her because she decides to play, so i made the mistake of making her lie down so she would sleep. it worked but then she came to rely on me having my arm over her back.
so back to the leaving the room method. and this time sticking to my guns. but i did not count on my spirited stubborn child!!!!
last night was the first night. 1 hour, then she got up one hour later, i went in only a few times before she went back to sleep. she then slept until 4.30am. which was great. i woke at midnight, then 3 waiting for her to wake which she didn't

but then.....
she has not been to sleep since!!! iv not given in, but neither has she!!! iv taken her out to change her, feed her.
and if she has been in there for ages (40mins) then take her out, quiet time for a few minutes then i tell her that she is going back to bed and we try again.
it is now 5pm and am about to give her dinner to our normal bath then stories then i am giong to try again.
she is also teething.
but. last time and this time... first time is easy, then she really really protests!!! am i doing it right? should i continue? does it get easier? before this i tried the leaving the room gradually trick... that only made things worse.
any advice would be most appreciated, anyone been here before, please tell me this is going to work. i'm so very very tired, a solo mum doing this all on my own with no-one to take over.
she is a good girl (when not being made to stay in bed by herself) she is playing quite happily, even thou she looks like a zombie!!