I think you ar right about the paci, last night was another rough night, bed at 8:15 slept till 11:45 woke at 1:10 woke at 2:09 woke at 3:10 when I bf, woke at 5:10 was up until bf at 5:45, and wke for day at 8:45 fussy. the 11:45, 1 and 2am wakings all I had to do is give her the paci and she went right back to sleep.
I started actually writing times down to see if I can track why some nights she wakes more.
I just put her down for a nap at 10:35, I tried after 5 min to take paci away she fussed so I waited another few minutes tried again this time she let me take it, then at 10:55 she woke up again wanting the paci. I am going to try again to seeif I can get her to nap with out it if not I will try again at next nap.
I think she was so used to nursing herself to sleep that she thinks she has to suck to go to sleep.
Thank you for your advice I will let you know how things are going