I'm confused by what is on pages 228-230 in the new book. On days four to seven of transitioning from a 3 to 4 hour schedule, ifI keep my daughters awake an extra 15 minutes, until 8:45, and then feed them at 10:15, 1:15, and 4:15, as is written in the book, and have nap lengths of 1 1/2, 1 1/4, and 2 hours plus the cat nap, as also written on this page, then the awake times throughout the day would be 1 3/4, 1 3/4, and 1 for the first 3 eating and activity times. Is this right?
Then on days eight to eleven, if the feed times are 7:00, 1:30, 1:30, and 4:30, and the nap lenghts are approximately 1 1/2, 1 3/4, and 2, the the awake times (eating + activity) throughout the day are 2, 1 1/4, and 1? It seems odd that as I'm making this transition from 1 1/2 up, 1 1/2 down to 2 up, 2 down, that some of the up/awake times in the process would be as low as 1 1/4 and 1.
Adding to my confusion is that the chart on 230 doesn't match the information on page 229.
Please advise.