Author Topic: Milk intake  (Read 1274 times)

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Offline Worzelbaby

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Milk intake
« on: October 31, 2005, 07:02:49 am »
Hiya , I have a 21weeks old baby and he is on 4 bottles a day, however due to teething he wont take more than 4oz a bottle!! and this is worrying me, thats its not enuff... i offer him more and he point blank refusues and cries! so i give up... he is on solids, but same with that , he wont allow more than a few mouthfuls and then wants to chuck it out, spit it, spray it etc .. what more can i do, i cant force it down him anyway no way no how!!  :(

when roughly do teeth appear after they go thru chewing fingers, driblling, and going off food stage?!

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Milk intake
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2005, 13:12:35 pm »

As long as he's not crying from hunger then I wouldn't stress too much about it. Just think how you feel when you're not well and you don't feel like eating - sometimes we just don't want to eat. As long as you're getting something into him (which by the sounds of it you are if he's still taking 4oz) then try not to fret about it too much. If he's anything like my DD he'll more than make up for it once those pesky teeth have finally made an appearance.

As for when they'll arrive - who knows?? All children are different. With my DD it sometimes seemed like she was finger chomping with red cheeks for weeks before a tooth appeared and for other ones they seemed to pop up straight away.

Just remember - this too will pass :)
