Author Topic: Regression: suddenly doesn't want to finish the bottle  (Read 1625 times)

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Offline tinush

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Regression: suddenly doesn't want to finish the bottle
« on: November 01, 2005, 09:29:12 am »
Hi all,
I really need an advice: my 6 month old baby was really good eater untill 2 weeks ago: he was on 4 hours routine, BF in the morning and having 6oz bottle + BF later and sleeping whole night from 20pm to ~6am.

:roll:  :roll:  :roll:  But suddenly everything seems to get broken: Tom doesn't want to finush the bottle he used to eat, so he decreases the milk amount during the day and wakes up at night several times and/or early morning 4-4:30. I added him the dream meal at 24pm, but it doesn't really help - se still wakes up really early.

I'm not sure, but I think the problem started more or less when we introduced him a solids: smashed vegetables, which I give him after 1/3 milk amount. He still doesn't really eat vegetable 1 tea spoon at most, so can't be full of it. He still has no teeth. I know that the teething can take away an appetite, but it already 2 weeks like that...
I'm really confused and upset of getting back to chaos...

Please advice me how to get my baby back to track. :cry:

Offline amheusser

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Regression: suddenly doesn't want to finish the bottle
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 21:02:39 pm »
Could it be a tummyache from new foods?  You can try simethicone drops if he seems gassy, and hopefully he'll get used to the solids pretty soon.

Or it could be developmental - if he's starting to sit up alone or getting ready to start moving, that will throw things off at night, and being tired can throw off their appetite too.

Offline tinush

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I didn't think about it ...
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2005, 06:52:48 am »
Dear Aubrey,
Thank you for reply! Indeed, Tom is starting to sit up, but I didn't think about connection to appetite, thanks. I don't think that it's a gassy.
Yesterday, he ate better, I hope it will get settled soon.


Offline jekholm14

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how long between..
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2005, 04:04:11 am »
Hi Tinush,
Here's another thought.  Are you sure DS isn't too full of solids to take a whole bottle?  This happened to me around the same time, and what I ended up doing was bringing dinner time back, closer to the second last feeding.  That way there was at least 3hours between solids and last milk of the day.  So, example:

7:00milk and bed
Just something to keep in mind.

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Regression: suddenly doesn't want to finish the bottle
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2005, 19:02:35 pm »
Something very similar happened to us a couple of weeks back. I was pretty upset at the thought of going back to night waking!  :cry:

We changed dreamfeed to a bit later to see if she'd take more then to see her through the night and now she is okay again. With Amber I think it was developmental-just learnt to sit up and trying to crawl.

 :lol: I wanted to encourage you that is took a couple off weeks but she got back on track.