Oh dear, sorry it was a bad day. I know exactly the kinda pressure you are under as I too work from home and I NEEDED dd to nap so I could work. You can't get anything done in 30min or 45min. That is a lot of pressure to put on you both, but I can tell you it will get better. Keep in mind it takes 2-3 weeks to change a dc's bio-rhythm.
It is normal for them to get better and then regress, but don't let that fool you keep on track and you should see it turn around again.
I'm also wondering about the whole pupd and shh pat method - doesn't the whole thing just become one big prop?
pu/pd and shh/pat is an alternative form of sleep training.
I picked this up from another thread...
"Instead of using CIO or controlled crying, you are staying with your child, while you are giving them opportunities to self soothe. If used correctly, then it's a teaching tool.. if you pick up every single time your baby cries,
then it becomes a prop. There are certain types of cries that you DO NOT pick up on.. the fussy type of cry, the mantra type of cry, the self soothing type of cry.. but the hysertical-need-you-now-because-I-can't-calm-down-and-I'm-passed-the point-of-no-return, you DO pick up.
Also, you have to make pu.pd age appropriate. Before 4 months old, you should do not attempt pu.pd.. Tracy recommends using pat-shush. After 4 months old, when an infant begins to self soothe with intent, then you can use pu.pd. Tracy has guidelines for each age group (4 months, 4-6 months etc) in her new book, because you have to adapt it.
Essentially, it is Tracy's alternative to CIO and CC, which she feels maintains the respect, trust and security for your child."
I think that you should limit your pu/pd and stick w/ shh/pat as much as you can since it maybe too stimulating for your young LO.
I hope this helps.