Author Topic: extending naps when you've got two kids  (Read 1004 times)

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extending naps when you've got two kids
« on: November 01, 2005, 19:18:45 pm »
My lo is 16 weeks and up until he was 13 weeks he was taking all naps in the swing, and sleeping well.  Though he'd sometimes wake up at the 45-min mark, he'd go back to sleep if the swing was moving.  He slept in his crib at night, though by the time he reached it he was asleep after a late-night feed.

I decided he needed to take all naps in his crib, and as he was over 17 lbs and sleeping past the 3 h mark, I switched him to the 4-hour feed (gradually).  I swaddled him (always have) and made sure we did wind-down and that the room was dark.  For the first few days he cried (tired cry only) and would drift off after about 0-10 min of crying.  But he woke crying hard after 45 min.  At first this was only for the first and third naps, but now it's the middle one as well.

Over the 2.5 weeks I've been trying this, he's started crying almost as I start to head up the stairs to bed!  The only way he'll fall asleep is if I hold a paci in his mouth (he can't hold it in himself, though we've tried to teach him for months) until his eyes close.

When he wakes up at the 45 min mark, I repeat the above with almost no success, and put him in the swing until the next feed, and he falls alseep.

I've tried wake to sleep (with little success) but I've also got a 24-month old and I simply won't leave her unsupervised and besides that it's not fair that the only time she has alone with mom is spent waiting for mom to put babe to sleep!

For my own sanity he needs to sleep longer that 45 min, but I find it hard to justify spending huge amounts of time getting him to do this when my other child needs me too.

Suggestions or comments?

Offline Luke-n-Me

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extending naps when you've got two kids
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 02:42:43 am »
I struggle with this too.  My DS is 2.5  and sometimes I feel like I'm spending all of my time trying to get DD to sleep and like I'm abandoning her.  I've decided that at the 45 minute mark, if she wakes, I'll give her 20-25 minutes to get resettled and if she's not resettled, I just get her up.  I can't spend 40 minutes with her and then get her up for 20 and put her back down and start all over again-to me I feel like I'm ignoring him.  That's just what I do, hope you find something that works for you.

Luke (4-2-03)
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extending naps when you've got two kids
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2005, 20:16:21 pm »
Every family needs to do what's right for them.  I worked on my youngest's sleep with my two and a half around.  He's an independent player so I could set him up in the other room with toys and he'd hang out.  I put up the gate so I knew he was safe.  For me, it was worth the investment because once the baby napped well (took probably two months of work as I started with him as a newborn) Diego and I had gobs of time together.  I looked at it as paying up front for the dependibilty of time we'd have together.  Also, during the time the baby was asleep, I would have special time with Diego and make sure we had some really good quality time.

For me though, it was also accepting the family shift.  I never again would be able to be one on one with Diego to the extent that I could before the baby came.  But he gained an awesome baby brother whom he adores and they have a great time together.  Also, having a well rested baby meant more peace in the house for all of us throughout the day.

I know it's really hard -- there's many different approaches -- you just have to find the one that works for you.
