Ya i hope things turn soon for us both!
I tried awake to sleep this morning and she slept till 5.30 (i guess that is an improvement from 5am). But since i was just about to fall asleep, not really - moan, moan.
I figured out if i give her a 20min catnap at 9am, she can make it to 1pm happy and will still go down. But of course she reverted back to the 1.15hr nap, not the 2hr one that we had last week!
Is 45min the same amount he was sleeping before when taking 2? As Megan did this for a long time too. Remember, they don't know they are only getting 1 nap - even though we tell them :-). So give him time to adjust. If still not sleeping longer after a week or 2 try awake to sleep...it worked for us.
The only thing is, I now have been staying in the room.
be careful w/ that one, soon you will have be going in everytime he wakes at night too!
I'll try to hang in there! You too. Just a few weeks ago she was sleeping 13hrs at night, i just can't figure out how you go from 13 to 10.5 in a blink - wtf!Let me know if i can help any w/ your 1 nap transition?