After some great success with patshush to extend my dd 45 naps, she has now decided to wake up in full wail mode!! (previously she just used to grizzle and pat/shush would soothe her back to sleep).
I used pu/pd some time ago to get her off her dummy and it worked brilliantly, so today I tried it again, Scarlett is a big fan of thumb sucking (when she can find it) so I put her on her side with rolled towels either side to encourage her to find her thumb, it only took 20 mins of pu/pd to get her back to sleep again.. brilliant!!
My question is will changing her sleeping position affect her night sleep at all? Her bedtime routine has never changed since day one and we have been reaping the rewards of that for some time now as she sleeps for 12 hours and goes to be awake and sends herself off no problem. So I have no need to change anything at bedtime, its purely daytime sleep that is the problem.
Does anyone have any thoughts?