My DD, likes being swaddled. She gets out of the swaddle at the 40 min mark, sucks on her hand. When she tries to go back to sleep she cries to be reswaddled and her dummy put back in her mouth. Now she manages to get out of the swaddle again, I reswaddle put the dummy back in her mouth and so on. Her naps are getting to 45 mins now, and the rest of her nap, I forever keep going in and reswaddling and putting the dummy in her mouth so she only gets 45 mins.
Should I try the aussie swaddle, but that means she will keep knocking the dummy out.
She is poorly at the moment and her bad naps are affecting her nightime. As soon as she is well again I am going to wean her off the dummy. She won't like it, but she will have to get used to it. How long does it take to go cold turkey with the dummy, as I'm not looking forward to it?