Author Topic: Anyone tried gentle removal for paci??  (Read 1175 times)

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Offline keaton&parker's mom

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Anyone tried gentle removal for paci??
« on: November 03, 2005, 21:55:37 pm »
My 8 month olds nightwakings seem to be  caused by needing a soother/paci to go back to sleep.  Has anyone here tried the gentle removal plan from No Cry Sleep Solution?  He goes to bed at 7/7:30 with soother, and is still given a dream feed around 10:30/11:00 (he has reflux and I have been unsuccessful at increasing his daytime feeds).  Then he usually wakes at around 2 am, then around 4 am, and then at 6. The 2 am wake, he actually put himself back to sleep on his own last night (I heard him cry out, and was dreading going in, then found myself awakened again around 4)  At 4, it was pu/pd for quite a long time (I think it was about an hour).  Then he slept until 6:30 which is when I gave him a bottle.  I am also working hard on his daytime naps.  He had a nap for 1 1/2 hours this morning and this afternoon, woke up after 40 minutes, I did pu/pd twice and he went back to sleep.  I just don't know if I'm doing everything I can.  I feel so incompetent sometimes :( , as it seems all my friends have kids that sleep better than mine and are younger.  Maybe they're lying :?: lol.  Any help, encouragement would be appreciated.

Offline pjs mom

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Anyone tried gentle removal for paci??
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2005, 03:32:22 am »
Sounds like you are doing everything you can. It is frustartiung I know, and if you feel like me, you feel bad that you can't help them sleep better!  I get so frustrated, then I realize it is not really his fault!

We got rid of the pacifier just by taking it away - nothing else worked.  A bad 2 days of crying and we just patted his chest and reassured him when he cried for the pacifier,.  He now does not need it at night - still wakes a million times though!  We are hoping he will eventually figure things out.  He is 7 months.,

Offline keaton&parker's mom

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« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2005, 03:25:32 am »
Thanks for the encouragement.  Last night was better until about 3am, no wakings until then. (we attempted to do a DF but he wouldn't take it, so we won't try again tonight, hoping he is done with needing it)  Then it was over an hour to get him settled, then he slept until 6 am, then slept some more until 7.  I have managed to get him to drink more formula during the day as I ordered faster flow nipples for his bottles, and he is now chugging 5-6 ounces down and tonight drank 8 oz before bed.  Yay.   Maybe this is the start of something good??? :D I hope so.  I don't even care if he sleeps all night....just a 6 or 7 hour stretch for me to sleep  would be great.  I'm still wavering over the whole pacifier thing....I'm not sure if I'm up for that battle yet.  One thing at a time, I think.