My LO had a cold and was waking lots because he couldn't breath, so I had to keep going in and clearing his nose every few hours. His cold lasted over a week, and he's better now, but then had a few days of teething - where he would wake up screaming and trying to chew his finger off. I ended up BF him for comfort after using a cold wash cloth etc.
Between the cold and teething (and newly learned skill of rolling from back to tummy), his night wakings have become a bad habit.
We BF and start our bedtime routine at 7, and he usually asleep by 8 in his crib. He falls asleep on his own, but just can't seem to sooth himself through these night wakings. He has a DF around 11:30 and is asleep right away after that, but then is awake every two hours, usually around 2am and 4 am.
And after trying to leave him to self-sooth he goes into full on screaming within a couple of minutes.
(Before his cold he was only waking twice - around 11:30 for a feed - which we turned into a dreamfeed, and then around 5 for another feed and wouls sleep until we got up around 7:30... and if he woke in between and couldn't fall asleep on his own, a shh/pat would work within a minute... but now when I have him on his side for shh/pat he rolls over and gets more upset).