Hi Ladies
I need some help. My daughter is 4.5 months old and still tightly swaddled. Before daylight savings change she was on a 8.30 (ish) p.m. to 8 am routine. We just kept with it thinking that once the time change would hit she'd go to a 7.30 p.m. to 7 am routine. Well, did not work out like that. For the past week she's been going to sleep around 7.45 p.m and wakes between 6.15 and 6.30 a.m. Now she would rarely ever wake that early before. Before she started sleeping through the night, she'd get up around 4.30 a.m. eat and go back down to 8 am. Then she dropped that feed but still slept til around 8 a.m. Then just before daylight savings she hit a growth spurt and woke up anywhere between 5 and 6.30 a.m. Once that was done with the growth spurt daylight savings change hit.
Last night I put her down at 7.30 p.m. thinking she'd sleep in later. But she woke up before 6 a.m. She wakes up moves around, then starts talking. When I took her out after 6.30 a.m she was happy like usual. She does not appear super hungry when she wakes up.
Any suggestions on how I can get her to sleep until 7 a.m.?
Her naps are still very inconsistent. 30-45 min in the morning, 1.30 - 2hours in the pm and 30 mins to 1 hour in the later afternoon. She eats on a 3 1/2 to 4 hour schedule and gets a dreamfeed at 11.30 p.m. I try keeping her up until close to 9 a.m. for her first nap but then she goes down for her second nap around noon or 12.30 p.m.
Any help would be much appreciated.