Author Topic: Waking at 5am wide awake smiling help!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 2791 times)

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Offline kellyhushhh

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Waking at 5am wide awake smiling help!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: November 06, 2005, 19:38:22 pm »
Okay i think the time change has a lot to do with my ds early wakings, Ds was sleeping 7pm - 7am with no dreamfeed, i dropped the df as i think this was disturbing his sleep. When i stopped the dream feed his night waking reduced but the last few weeks he has been waking between 5am and 5.30am and will not go back to sleep, he is wide awake and smiling 

However i am also wondering whether ds could be sleeping too much in the day??? ( he is 5 months old)

He takes a nap in the morning for 1.5 - 2hrs. The time he takes his nap varies depending on what time he wakes up, recently it has been 5am on and off until 6am when i finally give up and feed him. So i have been putting him down between 8am and 9am.

Then he has a nap early afternoon, this nap can soemtimes be 45 mins or sometimes 2hrs.

Then he has a catnap depending on when he woke from the afternoon nap anywhere between 4pm and 5pm, today though he was awake at 1.30pm and just would not go down for the catnap.

I just feel in a total mess, i dont think i can handle these 5am wake ups for much longer.
Somedays his nap time totals 4.5 or 5 hrs and other days can be as little as 2.5 - 3hrs.

So my questions are...

 Should i re introduce the dream feed? Baring in mind ds is already having 40 ounces over 4 bottles, should i make the bottles 8 ounces each over 5 bottles instaed of 10ounces over 4 bottles.

 Should i adjust his naps, is he sleeping too much??

 when do they drop the catnap??

 How much formula is too much?? Ds is having 40 ounces plus a few teasppons of pears morning and lunch.

 should i do wake to sleep?

I have been reading lots of other posts and these 5am waking seem quite common.

I have always had a bedtime routine, bath, massage bottle and bed, never any later than 7pm.

Why all of a sudden does he wake at 5am, i thought they were meant to get better not worse.

His awake time is two hours and i always try to put him doen for a nap afetr 2 hours but soemtimes im sure he could stay awake longer, like this afternoon he was awake from 1.30pm until 6.45pm, granted he was a tiny bit niggily but he went down and was fast asleep at 6.47pm!!

Sorry i have really rambled here and probably dont make sense but im just hoping someone can give me some advice and let me beleive things will get back to how they used to be?

Thanks to anyone who can reply to me
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Offline ellas mum

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Waking at 5am wide awake smiling help!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 10:04:35 am »
Hi Kelly,
Unfortunately have no advice to give but i have some reassurance that things do get back on track. My Lo was also waking at 5am all last week , i put it down t the time change , though before it was between 630 and 7am. I tried everything to get her back off but she was ready to get up for the day, which was throwing her routine totally off. I had to bring her morning nap forward but that was the only thing i cahnged, her dinner, afternoon nap, tea and bedtime i tried to keep the same. Very had work at times. Don't know whether that worked or not but this morning she slept until 645 so not quite sure whether the phase has passed.
She is a little older than your LO at 11 months but i remember when she was 6 months old she went through an early waking stage and i just gradually increased her solid food and that seemed to do the trick.

Sorry have not been much help. Hope everything sorts itself out i know how tiring it gets when your used to waking at a rasonable hour to suddenly be confronted by 5am wake ups!!


Offline kellyhushhh

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Waking at 5am wide awake smiling help!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 11:12:07 am »
Hi tracey, thanks for your reply, by the sounds of it a lot of peolpe go through this 5am wake up situation :(

I think im just going to have to get used to them and hope they sort themselves out.

I tried wake to sleep last night, it didnt work :(

Im going to reduce his ounces in his bottles today and try a dream feed tonight, he has been having four 10 ounce bottles so im going to give him 8 ounces instead and hope he will take 8 at the dream feed, unlikely but i can only try :roll:

Thanks for your reply xx  PASSWORD JUDE
