Author Topic: Start with what?  (Read 1023 times)

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Offline corrina01

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Start with what?
« on: November 07, 2005, 13:46:16 pm »
I'm going to start weaning my DD in the next few weeks.  I have plenty of powdered stuff in my cupboard.  So what should I try first. Heres a list

Pure baby rice (I've read some posts before and few of them say baby rice gives their lo's constipation)

Creamy oat porridge

Cauliflower and broccoli cheese

Banana breakfast

Summer fruits

Fruit and yoghurt

Any advice on where to start would be greatly appreciated.
Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline albertasweetpea

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Start with what?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 01:13:53 am »
Hi there. From what I have read and what we have tried, I would suggest the rice cereal first. Then would be barley infant cereal, oatmeal infant cereal and lastly wheat infant cereal.
They say to introduce solids one at a time for 3-5 days before trying something new. Also, try introducing the food at an early feeding (ie. morning) so you can watch all day for signs of a reaction (rash, vomitting, stomach pains).
Next, you would want to introduce veggies, starting with sweet potatoes, squash, yellow or green beans, peas, carrots etc.
Then introduce fruit. I have heard to stay away from strawberries until at least 9 months as they are a food that some babies are allergic to.
As far as the yogurt goes, make sure to give your LO full fat yogurt, with no added sugars. They need all the fat they can get when they are so little (unlike us!!).

Just my opinion but I would definitely stay away from cauliflower and broccoli as they are very gassy! We tried baby corn (in the jar) a few weeks ago and Molly got very bad stomach pains.

Hope this helps, if you have any more questions, just pm me or post and I'll try to help!
~Michelle (Spruce Grove, AB, Canada)


Offline Katet

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Start with what?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2005, 02:14:11 am »
I have just been looking over the info I have from introducing solids to my ds#1 in preparation for starting ds#2.
Starting with rice cereal
Then veg & fruit.
that will cover us until he is about 8mo & then some meat.
I'm not introducing any dairy or wheat until after 9mo as they are higher risk foods & ds #1 had a slight milk intolerence.
The best foods to introduce are those closest to nature... ie pick from the tree/garden then cook & feed... the more processed they are (ie commercially prepared stuff) the higher the risk is in the allergy stakes.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05