Author Topic: adding solids  (Read 1171 times)

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Offline teezee

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adding solids
« on: November 07, 2005, 18:23:08 pm »
ok i have a question - how is it that my dd bf's and has a really good feeding but then only 10 min later polishes off 2 to 4 tbspns of cereal or vegetables? if she is full from milk than how does she possibly have room for so much more food??
since i am on here i have one more question pertaining to bfing - i think my dd is also teething and there are times when she won't nurse for very long and when she does this often times she will bite my nipple and it hurts!!  is there any way i can possibly communicate to my 5 month old dd that this is unacceptable and hurts or should i just tough it out??  thanks
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline tylersmommy

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adding solids
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2005, 21:21:00 pm »
With solids, it takes awhile for babies to learn how to communicate that they're full. They're often too busy enjoying the new tastes and textures. As long as you're sure she's nursing as well as she should, don't worry...some babies are just hungrier than others!

For the biting, try not to yelp or scare your DD when it happens. I used to calmly break the latch, count to 5, then put Tyler back on again without saying a word. He eventually got the message that biting interrupts his meal. If that doesn't work, take a look at the breastfeeding forum...biting is a pretty common problem, and there are lots of good ideas on there!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline teezee

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adding solids
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2005, 21:57:25 pm »
i know every baby is different but approx how much would u say is a normal amount for babies to eat as a supplement after bfing? lo ate half a jar of baby food today (small jar of veg) and prob would have eaten more if i had let her!  she had a lot of cereal this morning too almost 4 tbspns!  i usually don't let her eat that much but i do have to admit that she seemed much happier and bubbly today!  again, as u said i  don't know if she is able to express herself as being full but i want her to be satisfied also - is it normal what she ate today?  would a little bit more be ok or a little less??
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline tylersmommy

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adding solids
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2005, 03:23:04 am »
A serving is usually 1-2 tablespoons, but remember that this is an average. You might just have a hungry little gal! You really don't need to reduce her intake unless she's having tummy troubles or isn't nursing as well as she should.
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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