Author Topic: How much solids should an 11 month old be eating?  (Read 6876 times)

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How much solids should an 11 month old be eating?
« on: November 08, 2005, 16:22:32 pm »
Hi Everyone,

My DS is 11 months old and I don't think that he is eating enough solids.  He will usually BF first thing in the morning and then he will have 4 oz of cereal with fruit mixed in it for breakfast and maybe two bites of toast.  I also offer Milk with breakfast and he will drink maybe an oz.  When he wakes from his morning nap he will have a baby yogurt for a snack and then around 12:00 he will have lunch which is usually 1/2 cup to 3/4 of a cup of spaghetti or something like that and again maybe 1 oz of milk. In the afternoon depending on what time he is ready for a nap he will have a pudding either before or after his nap as a snack.  I breastfeed him again at 5:00 (this is when I will get home from work) this holds him over until I can get supper ready.  I will give him 4 oz of cereal again and then he will eat a little bit of whatever we are having for supper.  I will breastfeed him again at 7:30-8:00 before bed.  He is waking up a lot during the night to nurse because nothing else will get him back to sleep.  These are random wakings and I don't know how to get him go to sleep otherwise.  We have tried pu/pd but he has cried for 3 hours and finally I gave in and nursed him and he went right back to sleep.  I don't have the patience to do pu/pd because I am so exhausted the next day and a 10 minute feeding is a lot easier even though I would love him to sleep through the night.  Anyway back to my original question.  How much solid food should an 11 month old be eating??

Sorry I forgot to add that he is offered water throughout the rest of the day and will usually drink about 8oz of water.


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How much solids should an 11 month old be eating?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2005, 17:19:05 pm »
Here is a guide from Babycenter.

Hope that helps.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline momofnewbaby

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How much solids should an 11 month old be eating?
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2005, 22:00:01 pm »
If you ask me, going by what my lo one eats, your ds is eating plenty. In total my lo takes maybe three oz. of solids in the whole day, with maybe 20 oz of formula. Every baby is different, and I'd say if you ds is active, contended, and happy, then hes getting enough. As for night wakings, how are his naps? How long does he nap for, how many times a day? Does he sleep independently for his naps? Even though the night wakings are random (suggesting he's hungry), but if you're offering him things to eat and milk, and he doesn't take any, unfortunately there's nothing you can do, except ride it out.

Sorry I wasn't much help.

Mother of a textbook/touchy baby

Offline Jakes_mom

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How much solids should an 11 month old be eating?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 00:26:38 am »
i was having the same concern with my lo but more so with his bottles.  he was taking in about 24oz a day and went down to 8-12oz.  i know his top molars are coming through but i wasnt too worried since he eats a lot of solids.  anyway, as mentioned above, every child is very different.  if i were you i would try to increase his solids or try the dreamfeed again.