Author Topic: Please urgent nap help!!! We are desperate.  (Read 1112 times)

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Please urgent nap help!!! We are desperate.
« on: November 08, 2005, 20:40:46 pm »
Hi there I am posting my message again but in this forum and also another mom´s message with same problem maybe someone in this forum can help us survive this nightmare... Can anybody please give us some support please?

And I thought I was the only one on the edge... my 5 mo old won´t nap but 30 to 45 min, and just before eat time she falls asleep or is completely irritable. It´s been 2 days that I put her on a nap routine, eat at 7 am sleep at 9, eat 11, sleep 1, but it has been worse each day. She still wakes up at 45 min mark or even 30 and when I tried to put her back to sleep again she cries and cries as if someone was hurting her and it even sounds like a tantrum. I am on the borderline of desperation and do not know what else to do as I´ve tried pat and pu and paci which she hates, the only way she falls by herself is in her grandma swing, but I don´t wanna make this a parental mistake I could not repair later. So please please, just someone tell me that someday she´ll get over the 45 min and she would sleep more, and that naps wold not be a nightmare please? Why is it that some babies sleep all day long with no need of help and others need help and even with help they sleep just a little? I am really really stressed out a lot and on a bad mood with her... please help us!

Oh, I wish I had an answer for you, but I am just writing to say that I am having the same problem with my daughter.  She sleeps great at night, but she doesn't nap well.  The naps seem to be getting worse.  I need a good naptime routine as well.  But everything I try seems to stimulate her too much.  I have tried just holding her and humming and even standing/swaying for a while, but she will just not go down!  Do I just need to keep trying the same thing (swaying and humming) and soon she will get it?  I feel like I have been doing it forever, and no progress.  Please someone help long does it take for a naptime routine to work? 
mom to Madeline
[img width= height=][/img] [img width= height=][/img]

Offline jayne

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Please urgent nap help!!! We are desperate.
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 04:09:50 am »
have you checked out this announcement in the nap forum??? read this if you havent yet andpost back and we will see if we can help you get some answers.. hang in there we have all been there..


as far as a wind down routine what are you doing for your bedtime routine?? it should always be the same routine-- and i would not stand up and sway.. you lo is little now.. but my lo is 25 lbs and i cant imagine standing up and swaying her to help her wind down :shock: 

post back with your schedule and your winddown routine and i will try to help you

there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we will help you find it :D

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004

Offline alex and danny

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Please urgent nap help!!! We are desperate.
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2005, 15:59:02 pm »
How is it going now?  I also thought I was at a dead end.... with no progress - but I do have to day consistency does pay off!  After a month of sleep trainning, my 3 month old now sleeps through his 45 min cycles - its been 3 days!  I tried the wake to sleep for naps and it made a difference... I was also very consistent in putting him back to sleep (I would try for 30 min - if he wasn't sleeping then I would take him out of hte room for 10 min, and start again, until feeding time)  Hope this helps.
Alex with fun and supportive husband Danny; proud parents of our Angel/Touchy Jacob