Hi there I am posting my message again but in this forum and also another mom´s message with same problem maybe someone in this forum can help us survive this nightmare... Can anybody please give us some support please?
And I thought I was the only one on the edge... my 5 mo old won´t nap but 30 to 45 min, and just before eat time she falls asleep or is completely irritable. It´s been 2 days that I put her on a nap routine, eat at 7 am sleep at 9, eat 11, sleep 1, but it has been worse each day. She still wakes up at 45 min mark or even 30 and when I tried to put her back to sleep again she cries and cries as if someone was hurting her and it even sounds like a tantrum. I am on the borderline of desperation and do not know what else to do as I´ve tried pat and pu and paci which she hates, the only way she falls by herself is in her grandma swing, but I don´t wanna make this a parental mistake I could not repair later. So please please, just someone tell me that someday she´ll get over the 45 min and she would sleep more, and that naps wold not be a nightmare please? Why is it that some babies sleep all day long with no need of help and others need help and even with help they sleep just a little? I am really really stressed out a lot and on a bad mood with her... please help us!
Oh, I wish I had an answer for you, but I am just writing to say that I am having the same problem with my daughter. She sleeps great at night, but she doesn't nap well. The naps seem to be getting worse. I need a good naptime routine as well. But everything I try seems to stimulate her too much. I have tried just holding her and humming and even standing/swaying for a while, but she will just not go down! Do I just need to keep trying the same thing (swaying and humming) and soon she will get it? I feel like I have been doing it forever, and no progress. Please someone help us...how long does it take for a naptime routine to work?
mom to Madeline