Okay - here's Friday mornings update!
Went to bed at 7:15 - went down pretty good
Up at 8:30 - held and gave paci, went right back to sleep
I woke up at 10:45, went in and he was kinda stirring, so I did a dreamfeed and he fed well and went right back to sleep
Up at 1:20-1:50 - Went to sleep with paci and some rocking and walking
Up ar 3:30 - almost fell asleep several times, but finally was SCREAMING by 4:30 and wouldn't console. I gave in - it was close to 5:00 (right :oops: ) and fed him. He nursed well and went back to sleep by 4:50
Up at 5:55 - tried putting him back to sleep but he was really struggling so I took him into bed with me, DH was already gone to work. He fussed and squirmed around till 6:30 when we got up.
Didn't feed again though till 7:30.
And he went down for his nap well at 9:00.
We will see how the weekend goes!!!!