i would definitely say try to get rid of the DF. i know it is only our first day but so far it has been worth it. we tried weaning off the DF but never saw any improvement in daytime feeding to compensate for the loss of DF...
she ate more bottle than usual for first bottle - but still ate very little at breakfast solids (i don't know how she is not starving after 12+ hours since bedtime bottle :shock: ) - 2 tiny bits of toast and some banana chunks :roll: , and then when i tried to put her down for nap she was crying for food :shock: and drank an additional 130 ml (4 oz) bottle and did a great nap
we will do her bedtime bottle in less than an hour and i am hoping that tonight she will sleep at least a little later - fingers crossed. today was one of our best eating days ever - we usually have abattle at least 1 bottle of the day (and often refuses the 3-4pm bottle entirely but today fed great) . hope i have not jinxed things (happens all the time on theis site as soon as i write about something)