Thanks for the info..
We had another 'incident' last week...I got a call from the sitters to get him to the doctor, that his eyes and face were red and his eyes were watery and puffy...He then had a nap, by the time I picked him up to take him to the e.r. he looked a little better. When he was examined, he had a rash all over his body...They thought maybe he had a virus and prescribed eye-drops...I didn't bother getting the prescription, it just didn't seem likely to me...
I called the sitter to let her know that he would spend the rest of the day at home...She mentioned that 2 things was that they had him in the highchair, away from everybody and a couple of the little kids had peanut butter sandwiches, when they were done, they throroughly washed their hands and face and their eating surface, then let the kids play...The 2nd thing was that an outdoor cat snuck into their house, but they had cleaned.
He continued to have symptoms of runny eyes, hives, rash and I could tell he had an itchy throat and was scratching his tonge on his teeth...He cleared up over night, then got set off again the next morning....I gave him a bath, he cleared up, then we were at daycare for 2 minutes and he broke into hives and his eyes watered again...They gave him benedryl all day, and he seemed fine..
I washed everything that was at daycare (his lovey, coat, hat, etc), and has been fine since...
I think it was the kids eating peanut butter, then having some residue on them, then playing with ds and they tend to like to help dress him too, so could have got some of the residue on his coat...
Talked to my ped today about it, she suggests at 2 she weill send him for testing.