Author Topic: Can I wean him in two months???  (Read 1341 times)

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Offline LHightower

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Can I wean him in two months???
« on: November 12, 2005, 02:56:17 am »
Hello everyone,

Quick question for you~ is it possible to wean from three nursing sessions and one bottle of milk per day down to just cow's milk in two months time?  My son is approximately 11 months old and I want to be done with breastfeeding by the end of January.  So, I have about two months left.  Our current schedule is:

6am- breastfed
7am- solids (vege/oatmeal)
10:30am- solids (fruit/oatmeal)
12pm- breastfed
3pm- snack (yogurt or cottage cheese)
5pm- breastfed
6pm- solids (vege/oatmeal)
10pm- bottle of breastmilk  :oops:

Which feed should I drop first?  I know you all will probably say the 10pm feed, but when I have tried to skip this feed he wakes up for it.  (Afterwards, he sleeps another 8 hours)  I'm thinking that he wouldn't miss the 12pm or 5pm feeds too much. 

Also, even though I will be dropping feeds with him, do I keep on pumping milk to have on hand in case the cow's milk thing is a disaster??   And what about juice?  I have been avoiding offering it because I didn't want it to take away from his breastmilk consumption.  So far, we've had NO success with sippy cups so I imagine he will have to take the cow's milk in a bottle.  Is that okay?  I've actually read where babies are supposed to be weaned off of the bottle and the breast by age one, but I just don't see how this is possible.   :?

Thanks for your help as you all always have the BEST advice!  :P
Mommy to Jonathan
Born:  December 16, 2004

Offline Katet

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Can I wean him in two months???
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 02:01:45 am »
I think it is possible to wean in 2 months. I went from 4-2 in 2 weeks & then from 2 to 0 in another 2 weeks... there was about 2 months in between (I offered formula for the mid day ones as ds didn't take good amounts of EBM from a bottle, but would with formula ) I still gave ds milk in a bottle until about 20mo... it is better for their teeth to use a cup.

Since you are pumping for the 10pm I'd keep doing that... but cut it back slowly so you can eventually drop it.

I would then drop the one that suits you best to drop... say the mid day one.

Leave it 3 weeks & drop the next one then see how you are going & do the others after that.

Try mixing cows milk with EBM to gradually get him used to the taste of cows milk
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline tabrenna

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Can I wean him in two months???
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 06:07:27 am »
My DS is 10 months old and I have just dropped another BF and am down to one, which I will continue until I return to work.  I would drop the two mid day ones first, and then either your morning or evening one (whichever is best for you).  DS nurses the longest 1st thing in the morning.  He does drink formula out of a sippy cup BUT it has to be cold.  This way it is totally different then the BM.  I rarely give him juice (he has had maybe 1 1/2 baby juice boxes in total).  I wouldn't pump because if it is not available they will have to take something else - eventually he will take the cow's milk.  Point to note my DS is very easy going and will take almost anything - he did take an occassional bottle but now will not.  Sippy cup only.  He drinks about 12 oz fomula in the sippy cup and nurses one time.