I can only tell you what worked for us.
We started by offering rice cereal once a day. We did it before one of his bottles (simply because he's such a greedy guts we were sure it wouldn't affect the amount of milk he took after!) I think most tend to do it afterwards.
After a couple of days we actually went on to adding a bit of fruit to the rice (think we started with apple and pear first). Just pureed it and mixed it in. Again some say to start with veggies first so as not to start them off with a sweet tooth.
We just went on from then slowly but consistently. He was quite soon on to 3 'meals' a day. We introduced a new food about every 3/4 days. Once he had tried most basic fruit and veg we became a bit slacker and I must admit we sometimes introduced new things each day. But he never showed any bad reactions to anything.
Now we're onto 3 big meals a day - veg, fruit, meat, dairy, in fact anything he's allowed to get his hands on!!! He just LOVES his food.
I found it a really exciting and amazing time getting him on to solids. I think the best advice is to do just do it slowly and consistently.
Have fun.
By the way, I saw your other post about wondering whether Lucy was too fat. I know everyone else said it but I'll say it as well - she is ADORABLE. The photos are just soooooo cute. She'll love you for that when she's older. Actually Daniel was just the same. He now weighs 25 lb and is so healthy and happy. When people comment on his size I just say something like 'yeah, we are so happy that he loves his food. He's growing up into a big strong boy...' He's not crawling yet (25lb is a lot of weight to carry around though :oops: ) but when he does I almost dread seeing his rolls begin to disappear. I've become very fond of them!