As I posted previously, we have set up LIana's big girl bed in her room. Her cot is also in there and we have been giving her the option of where to sleep. It has gone something like this:
DAY 1: Slept in bed at night happily, climbed out twice and needed help to get back in.
DAY 2: Napped happily in bed but ended up on floor for 2 of the 3 hours :roll: Night cried at the mention of bed, slept in cot.
DAY 3 and 4: Cries at the mention of her bed saying no, no, no, I want cot!!! Sleeps happily in cot.
We have not forced her into her bed at all, we play with in during the day, read on it etc. I am wondering if I should get rid of the cot from her room so she has no choice but the bed or if this will cause problems. I have a wonderful sleeper and don't wan to jinx it!
Any advice on the next step would be greatly appreciated