my 9 mo old likes the 2 extremes - either nice and smooth purees (especially pumpkin) or finger foods (so far fruit pieces- especially melon, cheerios, airy type crackers, well cooked sweet potato are best). the only way i can get the puree in is if she has finger foods as well.
the in between stuff makes her gag sometimes and she also has no teeth yet so i am just starting to trust that gumming food is fine to eat the finger foods and she seems ok - certainly happier eating this week since i increased the finger foods further. have you tried giving her pieces of the foods ? she might be like my lo - likes the extremes.
i am trying poached fish tonight in little pieces (has had no pureed meats or anything yet, so i thought i woud lgo straight to the pieces and see if that works - she ate 2 bits of chicken from my plate on the weekend and was fine with that :? )