Here is my situation. We have a definite habitual waking. I know this because we worked really hard to phase out a night feed and still have the waking. The problem is that is has become really, really loud. Ian wakes and w/in minutes is doing this really awful screeching, ear piercing, blood curtling scream. (don't worry, he does this during the day too - it is a horrible phase and I believe used to get attention).
If this was my only child I would consider rolling over and putting a pillow over my head and try to ignore it, BUT I have a 2 year old in the house who is now waking up becuase of this. Then I have 2 of them up needing assistance.
Patt/shhhh, rock/wallk, no props work. No binky, he is a thumb sucker but won't do it when he is mid scream. Makes it worse actually. I have been able to get him calmed down by offering that precious bottle (3oz seems to be enough to get him to stop).
BTW, anyone else have this screaming thing happening? I have NEVER heard another baby do this.
What should I do? Ignore it and wake the whole house - this could take weeks knowing this child. Offer the bottle and chance a food habit at 3am?