My 10 week old (approx. 12lbs) is on a tentative 3 hour EASY. I say tentative as he is great doing 3 hourly feeds but does not stay up for longer than 1 hour, sometimes only 1/2 an hour before he is yawning and ready to go back down. That part I am not worried about, I am just confused on his morning habits. Overnight he feeds every 3 hours (around midnight and 3am) then he wakes at about 5-6am with wind issues, he is held upright for a period of time till he passes wind or calms himself, and he falls back to sleep on and off till about 7am. He is then up for 30-45 mins before he starts yawning again and goes back down for 45-60mins. He then has a feed but it is not a full feed as he just snacks. He looks like he is hungry: mouth open frantically looking for breast but then bobs off and on. Again he's up for 45-60 mins before back down again and it's not until about midday that he has a proper full feed, which is hours after his last one. I don't think he has his day/night mixed up as he sleeps well overnight just waking for his feeds at midnight and 3am and is always fast asleep by the end of them, whereas in the morning he is awake for a period of time. Ideally of course it would be great if the time he didn't need to feed coincided with his night time sleeping :wink:
Is this OK or should I be trying to change something?