You poor thing! I know it is sooo hard! I had no idea babies had sleeping difficulties like this. Everyone I know is like your friends baby. I on the other hand, only leave the house for necessities. Anyway, I would love to help anyway I can. How old is your lo?
Here are some of the things I have sort of figured out:
1. I was blessed to have my son start sleeping almost through the night on his own around 7 weeks old. I think 2 things helped with this: a . I bought the miracle blanket that keeps his jolts under control and makes him feel secure. If you need the website for this I can get it to you. Or you can make your own blanket out of a twin sheet cut in half. b. I started keeping track of the number of ounces he drinks and make sure that he gets all he needs during the day. If you need to know how much your lo needs let me know.
2. I suspected my son had a little bit of reflux, so I raised his crib and got him on zantac.
3. I tried the wake to sleep technique where you go in and try to reset his sleep clock by making him stir in his sleep. This only worked sometimes. To save my insanity, I decided to just go with his 45 min naps and wait until he grew out of them. However, this meant that he could only be up 45 to 1 hr max, and I need to have at least a 10 min wind down.
4. Rather than stand by his crib the whole time which we all know can be hours, I rock my son in a chair until really drowsy (not all the way asleep though). Then I lower him into the crib which wakes him a little, but that is okay because he is already really drowsy. Then I pat on the bottom and shh him.
5. My son throws fits sometimes when it comes to naps. It would make me so darn frustrated. I decided to do 2 things. I would get him to wind down as soon as I suspected he was tired becuase his fits are less. I also decided that I needed to change myself rather than change him. Now, when he throws a fit I look away finding a focal point (still patting and sshhhing) and think about dinner or whatever. Also, I know it takes 15 to 20 min. for him to pass through the 3 stages of sleepiness, so when I think that it will never end I look at the clock. Then I can see that it will only be 10 more min. Even if it is longer, it still helps me not go crazy.
I am not sure what else there is. I hope something helps. What are some of your tricks?