Author Topic: waking at shattered..please help any1  (Read 1300 times)

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Offline kirsty_167

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waking at shattered..please help any1
« on: November 19, 2005, 20:58:58 pm »
Hi jakob is 16 weeks old this week and has been on solids for 10 days after being put on by the dr to help his reflux.He has been waking every night 45 mins after bedtime and again at 5am everyday!!! I am so tired and not coping well in the day now.I have tried cluster feeding 6/8/10pm but makes no difference.I cant just up his intake per bottle as he just spills it up.I have given extra bottles...nothing changes.5am he wakes screaming I have now got tired of it and resorted to only going in,giving him a cuddle,changing him if needed,giving him his blankie and leaving him until 7am.Sometimes he cries,sometimes he doesnt.

Please can any1 reassure me it is a passing leaving him make me a bad mommy?? i just cant start the day at 5am.....i am really desperate for any tips,advice and /or reassurance..... :(

Offline Jayri

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waking at shattered..please help any1
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2005, 22:08:14 pm »
hi there kirsty, how are you doing?
I will see if i can give you any helpful hints. My ds had reflux when he was little, so I sorta know what you mean.
Have you tried giving an extra feed at midnight, or even maybe trying a v. late night df, say at maybe 1 or so. I say this as when ds had reflux we had to go back to 3oz feeds for him, this happened just as he began to go thru the night....grrr, never mind tho.
Have you tried maybe propping up the head of the crib matress, maybe if he is laying down, it could be aggrivating the reflux by him laying down.
BTW you are not a bad mommy, there are times when I leave Riley to cry, not too long tho, just enough for me to collect my thoughts and go at it in a fresh mind. I have found in parenting, there is no set way to do it, do what it right for you and your family, have a guideline, that way you know which direction to head in, but at least that way you have a direction, some people unfortunatly don't.
This is a passing thing as well, altho my boy didn't get over it until 6mths, but he did get over it.
I hope some of this helps you, even a little, let me know if you need anymore ideas.
Good luck hunny.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01
