Author Topic: question about snacks  (Read 1266 times)

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Offline jennc123

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question about snacks
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:24:22 am »
After reading through the EASY schedules I notice alot of people have snacktime?  I am curious about this, if they have a bottle every 4 hours and 3 meals a day where do the snacks fit in, at that rate she would be in her highchair every 2 hours :?  does she need snacks at all or should I just drop the 4pm bottle instead and give her a snack, she seems to not take much food at this time.  thanks!
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Offline amheusser

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question about snacks
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2005, 13:54:25 pm »
It's kind of a transition, as they move to solids you'll change the feeding times.  You're right that it's closer together - when I was doing 4hr feedings, my toddler was eating more often than the baby.   

If the 4 pm feeding isn't a big one, that might be a good place to start a snack, then give dinner with the family instead of on the 4 hr schedule.

Offline jennc123

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question about snacks
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2005, 16:54:54 pm »
thanks , I was curious and i have been using the 4pm as a snack instead, she dosen't eat much then and eats a larger dinner than bottle before bed.  :) ..I was just wondering how to actually fit it all in, but she isn't a big eater so i just let her take what she wants and took away one bottle and it seems to be going better.
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