Hi Misty,
Oh, we have sooo been there. If she seems to be in pain, and the Zantac doesn't do the job, can you ask about a PPI, like Prevacid or Prilosec? That made a world of difference for us.
Also, for a while, when Nathan refused the bottle, we tried giving him the formula (Alimentum) in a sippy. Also, even though he had some dairy intolerance, his doc OK'd yogurt, which gave him additional calcium.
I am not sure where you are now, but would her doc discuss a feeding specialist with you? When there are issues with bottle aversions (especially when sleep feeding is the only way to get them to drink - been there, done that :? ), sometimes a feeding specialist helps. On the other hand, she is near one year, so maybe her doc isn't as concerned about the low formula intake.
Sorry, just thinking out loud...