oh these spirited ones- there seem to be so many of them too :roll:
I try and rack my brain for what I did differently but it doesn't appear to be anything!
don't rack your brain too hard - think with spiriteds it is in their nature just to keep us on our toes. at one stage i knew olivia woudl do at least 1 longer nap per day (from 3-5 mo there were even 2hr 15 min once a day usually) the problem was it could be any of her naps not always the same one :roll:
i think given age and temperment and current A time of 1hr 15 it is time to try to extend A time but not drastically all in 1 day - we can do it over the next few days - a week depending on how he responds. what he might be going through is a catch 22 situation where he is stuck at a short A time so only sleeps a short while because he "knows" he does not need a big nap to get through another cycle - and then since he has only slept 45 min he only has enough energy for a short A time KWIM?
so - i propose you keep his 1st A time the same as it has been or maybe 5-10 min longer and see how that goes. if he wakes after 45 min:
:arrow: if happy and not crying - leave to resettle himself or rest in cot for up to another 45 min unless he starts getting upset. (this is exactly what i did with LIv at this age - as long as she was awake and not upset i left her in there so at least she was not getting stimulation for 1hr 30)
:arrow: if he is awake and is crying = really does need to get more sleep - you can try pat and /or shh to get him to sleep another cycle
either way he spends 1hr 30 in bed no matter what
then for his next A time let's try to stretch him to 1hr 30
at least. if he seems ok then try for 1hr 35-40. you can spend the last 1/2 hr doing very little if necessary (sit outside or by a window with him and talk about what you see - not a lot of talking, just mention the trees or birds...) or go for a walk, etc just to stretch him but without active play time.
same again for the nap - 1hr 30 in cot no matter what
try aiming to carry this for next cycle again
so if he started day at 6:30 (as an example) and based on your 3.5 EASY feeding (adjust if start day later): obviously if he sleeps longer than 1hr 30 :lol: let him go up to 2hr 15 (3 cycles)
6:30/7 eat
A time 1hr 15 approx.
7:45 windown for sleep
8-9:30 sleep or rest time
up from 9:30
10am E
A time 1hr 30 - 1hr 40 (last 1/2 hr really super low key)
11ish windown for sleep
11:15 - 12:45 ish sleep or rest time
E between 1-1:30pm if he can wait the 3.5 hr
A time approx 1hr 30-40
2:30-4 sleep or rest time
the last part of the day really comes down to your disctretion and how everythign went during the day. often the late afternoon was when olivia would sleep best so her "catnap" woudl be 1-2hrs afetr having had 45 min naps rest of the day... sometimes what i woudl do here is that if she was only sleeping 45 min at the nap before the catnap slot i woudl just get her up so that she woudl be tired at the "right" time to have a catnap (ie 4pm ish). you just have to use your judgement sometimes - if he woke at 7 and by the time you get to the catnap slot it is 5pm you can give a short nap or keep him up for longer A time and move bedtime forward to 6-6:30 KWIM?
anyway this gives you an idea of where i was heading.
i figure if you see how he copes reasonably (not expecting perfection :wink: ) with the increase in A time
try to increase further after 3 days... aiming to get morning to 1hr 30 and others to 1hr 45 - 2hrs over time, let's see how days 1-3 go though -let me know what you want to do and what the results are... and i will try to help more. i know how easy it is to get stuck at A time with a spirited one - for oliviait seemed she was never gradual - she stuck for ages and then jumped. to give you an idea ours were:
7weeks - 3mo 45 min - 1hr max
3-4mo 1hr 15
5 mo 1hr 30 - 1hr 40 (this is when we jumped to 3.5 - 4 hr EASY)
6 mo 2hrs
7 mo plus - 1st A 2-2.5 hrs, 2nd 2.5- 3, 3rd 3-4 1/2 hrs